
Monday, December 20, 2021

The Power of a Second Chance


Study Guide for Week of December 19, 2021 

This Week Reading: Luke 1: 5-20; 57-66; 67-79

Crossroads Community Group Guide:
A. Welcome: Welcome everyone especially new persons and read out loud the purpose of your group
B. Purpose: Our purpose is to spread the Kingdom of God. We do this by multiplying groups of people who care for each as God's family. We begin by inviting new people to our group and building them to be followers of Jesus. Each person here has the potential to be empowered to start and be the leader of a new group and spread God's kingdom.

C. Worship Time: Spend a few minutes singing a worship song. Here is one you may want to use Great are You Lord   (or pick your own on YouTube make sure it has the lyrics on the screen)

D.   Ten Minute Recap Video                                                                     
E. Weekly Resources and Upcoming Events:     Crossroads Web Site        

F. Review   
1. How did you do with what you wanted to apply from last week?
2. Who did you invite to the group for this week?

G. Opening Question (a simple question to introduce the main theme - called an icebreaker): When was a time in your life you need a second chance?

H. Background Information for this study: 
This is the scene where the Angel gabriel who is God's personal messanger brings a message to Zechariah who is to become the father of John the Baptist. Zechariah is a priest in the jewish temple. He is married to Elizabeth but Elizabeth never had children because she is sterile. Now both Zechariah and Elizabeth are very old. 

Unlike Mary, Zecheriah does not believe the message from the Angel Gabriel.
This study is divide into 3 seperate scenes or chunks of scripture - go through each of the scenes seperately. 

I. Verse Outline: Some Key Points to Discuss - Key Charachteristics of Believing

       I.        I.         Scene One: A Failure of Faith – verses Luke 1: 5-20

Key Concept: Our lack of faith has consequences – both to us and to our family and our church and our community

Key Verse: Matthew 13:58 And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.

Community Group Application: Regularly gathering together on the Lord’s Day and in a community group strengthens your faith so that you will see God’s promise fulfilled in its season


       I.      II. Scene Two: The Offer of a Second Chance - verses Luke 1:57-66

Key Concept: God Always Offers Us a Second Chance

Key Verse: Joel 2:25 (Amplified) And I will restore or replace for you the years that the locust has eaten—the hopping locust, the stripping locust, and the crawling locust, My great army which I sent among you.

Community Group Application: God has entrusted to us the message of the second chance. It is our privilege to reach others with this message

Fi      III. Scene Three: The Results of a Second Chance Taken - verses Luke 1: 67-79 

Key Concept: When God gives us a second chance it is to be part of His plan to reach others

Key Verse: 1 Timothy 1:15-16   Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 16 But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.

Community Group Application: As we walk in faith God gives us the privilege to be used to reach many people.

     II.    I. Word: - read the scriptures above in portions - break it down into smaller portions to read. Read it in portions aloud together several times. (Goal is that everyone understand the Bible story or verses by retelling them in their own words - keep at it until everyone knows the story or verses)

1. What key (important) words do you see in these verses?
2. Tell in your own words what happens in these verses.
3. What are the details?
4. What jumps out at you - catches your attention?
5. What details can you add to what others in the group have said?

J. Discuss the following general questions together (Goal is to use these general questions to guide a discussion - the leader should not speak more than 30% of the time - let the group discover what God is saying to them).
1. What catches your attention in these verses?
2. What new thing did you discover in the story or verses that you did not know before?
3. What did you learn about God (Father, Jesus or Holy Spirit) from the story?
4. What do you learn about people from the story?
5. What important lessons for us do you see in this story?
K. Commitment - Obedience - Application  (This is the key - have everyone answer this question): 
1. What in specific will you commit to apply in your life from this study? 

K. Prayer Time:  Break up into smaller groups of 3-4 - groups of the same sex           
1. Pray for your group to multiply.
       2. Ask each other how you are doing spiritually               
       3.Pray for the needs of the members of the group. .

L. For Next time:                
1. Ask each person the name of a person they will invite to the group                                         for next week.

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