Preparing for Your Breakthrough Series
Taking Steps of Faith
Study Guide
Message for Sunday August 18, 2019
This Week Reading: Joshua 6:1-21
Main Themes: Faith, Obedience, Obstacles, Victory God's Way
Background Information:
Joshua a young man, had been Moses' assistant and now Moses was dead. God had called Joshua to lead the people of Israel to take possession of the land that God had promised to them. There were other nations living in the land. These other nations worshiped false gods and did things that were terrible in God's eyes. They even would sacrifice (burn in fire) their little children to the false gods. By calling Joshua to lead the nation of Israel to conquer the promised land God is doing 2 things. First, God is fulfilling his promise to give the people of Israel the promised land. Second, God is executing judgment against the people that live there because of their detestable actions and life style.
Jericho is the first city that Joshua will fight against. The city of Jericho, like all cities at that time had high walls all around the city for protection and an army on top of the walls to fight. God gives Joshua instructions but not normal military strategy instructions.
Point of Light Group Guide:
A. Welcome: Welcome everyone especially new persons and read out loud the purpose of your group:
Our goal is to grow as disciples of Jesus and to make disciples of other people and invite them to our group or start another group with them.
B. Worship Time: Spend a few minutes singing a worship song. Here is one you may want to use Lead me to the Cross (or pick your own on YouTube make sure it has the lyrics on the screen)
C. Opening Question: Have you ever had a promise from God or a dream of something for your life that seemed impossible? What was or is it?
D. Read Background Information
E. Word: Read Joshua 6:1-20 aloud together. (Goal is that everyone understand the Bible story - keep at it until everyone knows the story)
1. Have someone tell the story in their own words
2. Ask others to add any details that were missed
3. When all the details are filled in have some to tell the story in their own words.
F. Discuss the following questions together (Goal is to use these general questions to guide a discussion)
Point of Light Group Guide:
A. Welcome: Welcome everyone especially new persons and read out loud the purpose of your group:
Our goal is to grow as disciples of Jesus and to make disciples of other people and invite them to our group or start another group with them.
C. Opening Question: Have you ever had a promise from God or a dream of something for your life that seemed impossible? What was or is it?
D. Read Background Information
1. What new thing did you discover in the story that you did not know before?
2. Put yourself in Joshua's position. How do you think he felt? What was he thinking? Can you relate to him?
3. What did you learn about God from the story?
4. What do you learn about people from the story?
5. What important lessons for us do you see in this story?
6. What will you take away from this discussion?
7. What will you do with what you have learned? (make sure everyone answers this)
E. Prayer Time:
1. Pray for an empty chair representing new people who you want to join the group. Name names of people specifically.
2. Pray for the needs of the members of the group. It is best to divide into 2 groups one of male and the other female.
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