God's Amazing Story
Spread the Good News
Study Guide Week Five
Message for Sunday December 30, 2018
This Week Reading: Luke 2:22-33 Additional Reading: 2 Peter 3:12-15
There are very few instances of Jesus life when he was a child that are recorded in the Bible. In these scriptures Jesus was 40 days old, a baby. We know this because the time for the sacrifice of purification was 40 days after the birth. Since Mary and Joseph were devout Jews verse 21 indicates that they circumcised Jesus on the 8th day according to the law of Moses (Leviticus 12:2-4). They then went to the temple to present Jesus and offer the sacrifice of purification 33 days later according to the law. In addition to this since Jesus was the first born son he was to be presented to the Lord (Exodus 13:2, 12, 15). These verses give us a good understanding of the type of people Mary and Joseph were. They were humble, obedient and surrendered to God's will for their lives. This portion of scripture is again emphasizing the idea of fulfillment of prophecy and the connection between the law and Jesus Christ. It also shows us that Jesus was 100 percent human as well as 100 percent God. Simeon was also noted to be a righteous and devout person. The key to understanding these scriptures is the affirmation that Simeon makes. Simeon is affirming that Jesus is indeed the Messiah that was predicted in the Old Testament.
Background Information
The fact that Mary and Joseph offered a sacrifice of doves indicates that they were poor and could not afford a sheep or other offering (Exodus 13:13 and Leviticus 12:8). The term in verse 25 translated in the NIV as, "The consolation of Israel" refers to waiting for the promised salvation the Messiah would bring.There were other people at that time who were waiting for the Messiah (Mark 15:43). Simeon had been promised by God that he would see the messiah before he died. In verse 29 the promise referred to by Simeon is both the personal promise to him and God's promise of a Messiah ( Isaiah 40:5 and 52:8-10). In his song of praise Simeon indicates that salvation is not limited to the Jewish people but is for every nation and every person.The key theme is the fulfillment of prophecy specifically that what they have been waiting for has arrived. Simeon affirms under the influence of the Holy Spirit that Jesus is the answer to what they have been waiting for. Jesus will bring salvation and restoration to all who trust in Him.
Key Points
- Impatience is an enemy of the fulfillment of God's purpose in your life.
- When you walk with God he will direct your steps according to His purpose.
- Jesus is the answer to all our questions and the questions of those all around us. Let us make the answer known.
Digging Deeper Questions
1. Describe the scene in your own words. How would you have felt if you were Mary coming to present your 40 day old baby to the Lord? How would you have felt after what Simeon said?
2. What four things do we learn about Simeon in verse 25? Discuss each as it applies to you and your life. Do you need to grow in any of these areas?
3. What promise had God made to Simeon? Has God made any promise to you? Are you waiting patiently for its fulfillment?
4. Why did Simeon go to the temple when he did? What does it mean to be moved by the Holy Spirit? Have you ever experienced that? Discuss
5. How did Simeon feel when he realized that he was seeing the Messiah? How would you have felt? Would the fact that the messiah was a little baby have confused you?
6. What does it mean that Jesus is a light of revelation? Discuss your understanding of this statement.
7. Simeon indicates that salvation is for all nations (all peoples) who in your life or circle needs salvation? Pray for some specific names of people who need salvation.
2. What four things do we learn about Simeon in verse 25? Discuss each as it applies to you and your life. Do you need to grow in any of these areas?
3. What promise had God made to Simeon? Has God made any promise to you? Are you waiting patiently for its fulfillment?
4. Why did Simeon go to the temple when he did? What does it mean to be moved by the Holy Spirit? Have you ever experienced that? Discuss
5. How did Simeon feel when he realized that he was seeing the Messiah? How would you have felt? Would the fact that the messiah was a little baby have confused you?
6. What does it mean that Jesus is a light of revelation? Discuss your understanding of this statement.
7. Simeon indicates that salvation is for all nations (all peoples) who in your life or circle needs salvation? Pray for some specific names of people who need salvation.
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