God's Amazing Story
God's Word Never Fails
Study Guide Week Three
Message for Sunday December 16, 2018
This Week Reading: Luke 1:26-38 Additional Reading: Isaiah 7:14; 2 Samuel 7:12-13
The amazing story of the virgin birth of Jesus is all about the faithfulness of God to His word. Many would see this story as a miracle story which it is but it is much more than that. Some would see it as a myth which it is not. Luke who carefully investigated everything records it as a fact of history. To deny the virgin birth is to deny factual history but more than that to deny God's faithfulness to His word. Two key phrases appear in verse 27. The first is that a virgin will become pregnant. This is what God had said would happen in his word through the prophet Isaiah 700 years earlier in Isaiah 7:14. The second is that the child would be a descendant of King David and reign forever. One thousand years prior God in His word to David had made this promise (see additional scripture above). The virgin birth of Jesus shows us that God's word never fails. Prophecy in the Bible always comes to fulfillment. Those prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled will also come to pass in God's time. The key understanding is that the virgin birth proves God's faithfulness to His word.
In Biblical Greek there are 2 words that are both translated word in the the English Bible. The words are Logos and Rhema. Some people say that there is a difference in the Bible as to how these words are used. They would say that when Rhema is used it refers to a personal word to someone not the written word of God while Logos refers to the written word of God. This teaching is difficult to support when looking at all the different occurrences of each of these words in the Bible. The best way to determine whether the use of the word "word" refers to a personal word to someone or rather a general word for everyone is from the context. The word from God to Mary that she will become pregnant was a personal word to her alone. The word Rhema is used in verses 37 and 38. However in verse 29 the word Logos is used. It is thus best to note that there are words that are personally intended for a person and words for general application based upon the context. All words from God whether personal or otherwise must agree with the written word of God. There can be no Rhema word given to someone that is not supported by the written word of God.
In Biblical Greek there are 2 words that are both translated word in the the English Bible. The words are Logos and Rhema. Some people say that there is a difference in the Bible as to how these words are used. They would say that when Rhema is used it refers to a personal word to someone not the written word of God while Logos refers to the written word of God. This teaching is difficult to support when looking at all the different occurrences of each of these words in the Bible. The best way to determine whether the use of the word "word" refers to a personal word to someone or rather a general word for everyone is from the context. The word from God to Mary that she will become pregnant was a personal word to her alone. The word Rhema is used in verses 37 and 38. However in verse 29 the word Logos is used. It is thus best to note that there are words that are personally intended for a person and words for general application based upon the context. All words from God whether personal or otherwise must agree with the written word of God. There can be no Rhema word given to someone that is not supported by the written word of God.
Background Information
The word Jesus in Hebrew means, The Lord is Salvation. This name plus the fulfillment of the prophecies listed in the additional readings above establish the angel's announcement as a fulfillment of God's plan and purpose from the beginning. Nazareth was about 70 miles northeast of the main city of Jerusalem. This again points to God fulfilling His plan not through the rich and powerful but through the humble. Being pledged to be married was different than our practice of being engaged. It was a binding promise made between two families. A divorce was required to break the pledge. For someone to get pregnant while they were pledged to someone else would be a scandal and could, if the law were strictly enforced, lead to the woman being stoned to death (Deuteronomy 22:13-23). In view of the angel Gabriel's greeting it appears that Mary (probably about 14 years old) was a godly and devoted follower of God. Mary would have understood by reason of the description of the child to be born that He was the promised messiah the Jews were waiting for.
Mary's response to God's word to her is one of the greatest examples in the Bible of surrender to the will of God. The word that is translated as servant in verse 38 is actually the Greek word dolous which means slave. She accepts the word of the Lord to her. Mary is thus an example of someone who lived according to God's written word and also surrendered to God's specific word to her.
Mary's response to God's word to her is one of the greatest examples in the Bible of surrender to the will of God. The word that is translated as servant in verse 38 is actually the Greek word dolous which means slave. She accepts the word of the Lord to her. Mary is thus an example of someone who lived according to God's written word and also surrendered to God's specific word to her.
Key Points
- Before we can receive a specific word from the Lord for our lives we must be living in obedience to God's written revealed word.
- God sends His specific word to ordinary people and uses them to accomplish His work. God's specific word never conflicts with His written word but rather is a personal application of it.
- Key Issue of Life: We must chose to believe God's word to us or our circumstances.
Digging Deeper Questions
1. What are your experiences of Christmas? What spiritual emphasis did Christmas have in your family of origin? What emphasis do you have now in your life when it comes to Christmas?
2. Discuss why the belief in the virgin birth is important to our faith.
3. How would you respond to someone (a spouse, daughter, friend) who told you they were pregnant but it was through the Holy Spirit? What would it take for you to believe something like that?
4. What type of person do you imagine Mary to be based upon the angels statement to her in verses 28 and 30? Are there any areas of your life where you are not in obedience to God's word in the Bible? Any areas you struggle with?
5. Discuss the meaning and implications of verse 37.
6. What attitude did Mary exhibit in verse 38? How can you imitate her example?
7. What principles do you learn from this true story that you can implement in your life?
2. Discuss why the belief in the virgin birth is important to our faith.
3. How would you respond to someone (a spouse, daughter, friend) who told you they were pregnant but it was through the Holy Spirit? What would it take for you to believe something like that?
4. What type of person do you imagine Mary to be based upon the angels statement to her in verses 28 and 30? Are there any areas of your life where you are not in obedience to God's word in the Bible? Any areas you struggle with?
5. Discuss the meaning and implications of verse 37.
6. What attitude did Mary exhibit in verse 38? How can you imitate her example?
7. What principles do you learn from this true story that you can implement in your life?
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