Changing the World God's Way
Study Guide Week Nine
Message for Sunday November 2, 2018
This Week Reading: Luke 10:38-42 Additional Reading: Philippians 2:14, 1 Peter 4:9
Luke the writer of the book known as Luke repeatedly emphasizes Jesus' words and deeds (Acts 1:1 referring to the book of Luke). Luke shows repeatedly that Jesus' words and deeds always line up. Jesus repeatedly exposes the religious leaders for being people whose words and deeds do not line up. A key point throughout the book is that the heart attitude of a person determines what they do. Motive matters to God. In this incident, which is recorded only by Luke, Jesus focuses in on Martha's heart attitude. Martha was apparently a follower of Jesus probably having just begun to follow him. Martha is doing something good - she is serving and showing hospitality to Jesus and his disciples but her heart is not right as she does it. Jesus confronts her in a loving manner. In verse 41 Jesus' repetition of Martha's name shows that Jesus is lovingly rebuking her. Apparently Jesus' checking of Martha's attitude was effective. In John 12:1, the situation of Martha serving alone is again presented. On this later occasion Jesus does not correct Martha since apparently her attitude was good. The key point of this incident is to show that our attitude is important. If we are going to serve others we are at our best if we do it out of an attitude of love and concern. The reverse is that if our attitude is bad then it is better not to serve. Hospitality like many other Christian virtues is a heart attitude that expresses itself in actions.
It is also interesting to note that much of Jesus' ministry and time was spent in people's homes. It is in the context of daily life and eating together that Jesus reached out to people and developed His followers. This is a model we would do well to follow in our own lives. By becoming involved in the lives of those around us in social settings and yes even in our homes whether they be houses or apartments we will find many opportunities to bring people to Jesus. Hospitality is one of the requirements for those who would be leaders, pastors or deacons in the church - 1 Timothy 3:2; 1 Timothy 5:10; Titus 1:8.
It is also interesting to note that much of Jesus' ministry and time was spent in people's homes. It is in the context of daily life and eating together that Jesus reached out to people and developed His followers. This is a model we would do well to follow in our own lives. By becoming involved in the lives of those around us in social settings and yes even in our homes whether they be houses or apartments we will find many opportunities to bring people to Jesus. Hospitality is one of the requirements for those who would be leaders, pastors or deacons in the church - 1 Timothy 3:2; 1 Timothy 5:10; Titus 1:8.
Background Information
Martha lived with her sister Mary and her brother Lazarus. There is no indication that any of them were married. They appear in several incidents specifically Luke 10:38-42; John 11: 1-44 and John 12:1-3. They lived in a small town of Bethany outside of Jerusalem which became the place where Jesus stayed when He was in the area. Mary who was sitting at Jesus feet apparently did have a proper attitude. She was not as Martha was thinking avoiding her duties to help. The brother Lazarus died and was raised to life by Jesus in His last miracle recorded in the book of John (chapter 11).
Key Points
- Jesus showed hospitality (welcome and love) to all people
- Hospitality is a heart attitude
- Spending time with Jesus will transform your heart to become a hospitable person who loves and welcomes all people.
Digging Deeper Questions
1. Have you ever had a bad attitude? What situations are you most likely to have a bad attitude in?
2. Why is our attitude important to Jesus? How can we changed our attitude?
3. Tell the story in your own words.
4. Who do you identify with the most in the story, Mary or Martha? Why?
5. What is Martha distracted by? Has that ever happened to you? Explain
6. How did Martha feel according to Jesus? What does Jesus tell her in verse 42? What does that mean in your own words?
7. Discuss your application from these verses
2. Why is our attitude important to Jesus? How can we changed our attitude?
3. Tell the story in your own words.
4. Who do you identify with the most in the story, Mary or Martha? Why?
5. What is Martha distracted by? Has that ever happened to you? Explain
6. How did Martha feel according to Jesus? What does Jesus tell her in verse 42? What does that mean in your own words?
7. Discuss your application from these verses
This Week's Challenge
Get a partner and agree to check each others attitudes this week..
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