
Thursday, November 1, 2018

3 Keys to a Healthy Relationship - Key Number 2

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Building Strong Marriages Together
3 Keys to a Healthy Relationship
Key Number 2

Key Thought: Working on your relationship is a life long journey that yields great rewards


The three keys are foundations to be maintained not skills to be learned. The three keys are a mindset to have that is not based upon feelings or circumstances. The first key is the cornerstone of the foundation upon which the other 2 keys rest. The first key is an unwavering commitment. 

Introduction - Key Number Two - Working on Your Relationship 

It important to work on your relationship for the following reasons:
   a. No one is taught communication skills and conflict resolution and how to have a         health marriage
   b. Situations and problems that are ignored only get worse not better
   c. Marriage is difficult

3 Hindrances to working on your marriage
1. Improper priorities in your marriage. Some improper priorities are:
a. Children - it may seem as if children should be the top priority but actually that is not true. The marriage must be the must important priority for the marriage to be healthy. If the marriage is healthy then the environment for the children will be healthy.
b. Material things putting the pursuit of a certain standard of living as a priority will damage a relationship.
c. Career / church / hobbies / sports and anything that takes priority over the marriage.

2. Not being deliberate – not scheduling it each week – it will not just happen on its own you have to be deliberate

3. No accountability – no one to check and see if you are doing these things

3 Areas to work on that will help build your marriage 

1. Area Number One: YOU – your character issues
   a. Character issues will sabotage a marriage relationship. Things such as anger, impatient, not being kind etc will seriously effect a marriage. If these are not dealt with no amount of work on relationship skills will be effective.We work on our character issues through prayer, Holy Spirit, reading word, reading books on the character issue such as anger management books

2. Area Number Two: YOU – your healing issues
    a. Healing issues that lead to problems in marriage include being betrayed in past – can’t trust; low self-esteem; sexual abuse and other damage you bring into the relationship. These must be recognized and the healing process begun and continued.

3. The third area is to work together on Relationship skills
   a. The good news is you can learn how to improve communication and conflict skills and other skills, but it will take making the effort together. this can be done by going to conferences, seminars, reading books, and taking communication training and other training. 

 Key Verse: Proverbs 24:3 -4 Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches

X. Next Meeting – November 24 Key #3 – watch our videos

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