Changing the World God's Way
Study Guide Week Eight
Message for Sunday October 28, 2018
This Week Reading: Titus 2:11-14 Additional Reading: 2 Timothy 1:8-10
God's purpose in the world is to redeem and restore broken people and a broken world.This is seen clearly if we look at the four movements of the big picture of the Bible (Albert Mohler). The four movements are: 1. Creation where God makes man in His own image and gives man dominion over the world. 2. The fall where mankind sins and rebels against God and deep brokenness enters the world and continues to the present. 3. Redemption where Jesus who is co-equal with God enters the human experience and dies on a cross to forgive the sins of all who believe in Him. Not only does Jesus forgive but through the Holy Spirit He gives his followers the power to live God honoring lives of holiness and purity. 4. The new heavens and the new earth which is where all of history is headed.
We live in the time after redemption was accomplished (the cross of Jesus) and the coming of Jesus in power and glory to judge the world The blessed hope). In this time of waiting for the new heavens and new earth followers of Jesus have a mission given them from Jesus himself. That mission is to build the kingdom of God now by reaching and offering salvation to all people so that they too can be part of God's eternal Kingdom. .
These verses are an incredible summary or synopsis of the plan and purpose of God in the world. Similar verses can be found in the additional reading above. In studying a passage like this it is very helpful to write out the verses and make an outline of the different points made. In Greek, the original language that the letter to Titus was written, verses 11-14 form one long sentence.
We live in the time after redemption was accomplished (the cross of Jesus) and the coming of Jesus in power and glory to judge the world The blessed hope). In this time of waiting for the new heavens and new earth followers of Jesus have a mission given them from Jesus himself. That mission is to build the kingdom of God now by reaching and offering salvation to all people so that they too can be part of God's eternal Kingdom. .
These verses are an incredible summary or synopsis of the plan and purpose of God in the world. Similar verses can be found in the additional reading above. In studying a passage like this it is very helpful to write out the verses and make an outline of the different points made. In Greek, the original language that the letter to Titus was written, verses 11-14 form one long sentence.
Background Information
Titus is the name of a man who was being trained in ministry by the Apostle Paul. Titus had been left on the Greek Island of Crete by Paul after they had reached out to people on the island and some people had become followers of Jesus. Titus' task was to set the church in order (Titus 1:4 and 5). The church had been just recently formed and the believers were all from a pagan background. The main focuses of the letter is on the behavior of the followers of Jesus. They are to live changed lives so as to attract people to the gospel. Verse 12 is typical of Paul's writing. He says They are to stop doing something (deny ungodliness and worldly desires) and do something (live self controlled, upright and godly). Some powerful Biblical terms and phrases are present in these few verses: grace of God - grace appeared to all - grace teaches us to say no - ungodliness - worldly passions - live self controlled - upright and godly - blessed hope - glorious appearing of Christ.
Key Points
- The offer of salvation is universal (for all people). God wants everyone to have the opportunity to be saved and it is our job to tell them - Verse 11
- Salvation leads to changed behavior in the present - Verse 12
- We live in the present with our eyes on the future return of Jesus Christ - the blessed hope - verse 13
- God's purpose - to have a people that are His instrument in a broken world - verse 14
Digging Deeper Questions
1. What is the grace of God? When did it appear? What does salvation mean?
2. Who needs salvation in your circle of influence? Mention some names and pray for them now.
3. What are some examples of ungodliness and worldly desires? What areas are difficult for you to deny?
4. In verse 12 what are the 3 positive behaviors we are to apply to our lives - rank them from 1-3 in your life - 3 being the one you struggle the lest with.
5. Why is the return of Jesus called the blessed hope by Paul in verse 13? Do you often think of the return of Jesus? Why or why not? What would be different in your life if the return of Jesus was the basis of your life and hope?
6. Discuss verse 14 and how it applies to your group and to you as an individual.
7. Discuss your application from these verses
2. Who needs salvation in your circle of influence? Mention some names and pray for them now.
3. What are some examples of ungodliness and worldly desires? What areas are difficult for you to deny?
4. In verse 12 what are the 3 positive behaviors we are to apply to our lives - rank them from 1-3 in your life - 3 being the one you struggle the lest with.
5. Why is the return of Jesus called the blessed hope by Paul in verse 13? Do you often think of the return of Jesus? Why or why not? What would be different in your life if the return of Jesus was the basis of your life and hope?
6. Discuss verse 14 and how it applies to your group and to you as an individual.
7. Discuss your application from these verses
This Week's Challenge
Write down the name of 3 people you know who need salvation who you will reach out to.
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