Changing the World God's Way
Study Guide Week Seven
Message for Sunday October 21, 2018
This Week Reading: Luke 9:1-6 Additional Reading: Luke 10:1-12
Luke chapter nine is a huge turning point in Jesus' ministry. In chapters 1-8 Jesus has been proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God in both word and deed. In word he has been telling people about salvation and calling them to follow Him and in deed Jesus has been healing people and delivering people from the influence and control of evil spirits. Jesus' purpose is to bring restoration to a broken world. Jesus (God) has limited Himself by taking on human flesh. He can be in only one place at a time. How can Jesus possibly reach everyone? He lives in Palestine and He travels everywhere by foot. How is Jesus going to reach people in Greece or in Rome or in Spain? To answer that question we not only have to understand Jesus' purpose (restoration of a broken world) but also understand His strategy. Jesus strategy is simple yet effective. The strategy is to call followers and train and empower them to do what He, Jesus, has been doing. These followers will in turn and in time reach others who will be trained and empowered to do what Jesus was doing in both word and deed. Luke chapter nine marks the first step in this strategy. In these verses Jesus sends out his 12 disciples (learners) to do what He has been doing in word and deed. The additional reading above in Luke 10:1-12 marks the second step where Jesus sends out 72 followers of His to do what He has been doing in word and deed. Additional steps can been seen by a reading of the book of Acts. That strategy has continue throughout history and continues today.
These verses can be easily divided into several sections as follows:
These verses can be easily divided into several sections as follows:
- Verse 1 - Jesus calling and empowering His followers to proclaim the message of the Kingdom and to heal and to drive out demons;
- Verse 2 - Jesus sending them out
- Verses 3-5 - some basic instructions related to urgency and who to work with
- Verse 6 - The followers taking the step
This incident that Luke records is also recorded in Matthew 10:1-14 and Mark 6:7-13. It is good to read all 3 accounts as each emphasizes different points similar to the way a newspaper article in 3 different newspapers about the same incident will emphasize different things.
Background Information
Jesus' ministry was a supernatural ministry. Jesus passed this supernatural ministry on to His followers. There is no indication anywhere in the Bible that the supernatural aspect of Christianity ended at the time of Jesus or the time of the early church. The Bible is full of instructions to use about how to use these supernatural gifts of healing and deliverance from demonization. (See 1 Corinthians 12;28; Mark 16:18; James 5:15-16; Acts 4;30 for a few examples). If Christianity was not supernatural it would just be another human philosophy. Instead it is the power of God demonstrated i both word and deed.
Jesus gives His followers two things that they need in order to do what He has called them to do. First Jesus gives them power - supernatural power. In Jesus name and in His power the follower of Jesus can do miraculous deeds. It is the Holy Spirit who gives us power to do deeds of power (Acts 1:8). Secondly, Jesus gives the church and His followers His authority (Matthew 28:18). Power without authority is not enough since there are spiritual forces and powers in the spiritual realm. What is needed to defeat spiritual forces of evil is the authority of Jesus. Verses such as 1 Peter 3:22 and Ephesians 1:22 tell us that all things in heaven and earth are under Jesus authority. Without Jesus' authority we would end up like the seven sons of Sceva (Acts 19:11-20). Note that being used by Jesus brings great joy (Luke 10:17)
Jesus gives His followers two things that they need in order to do what He has called them to do. First Jesus gives them power - supernatural power. In Jesus name and in His power the follower of Jesus can do miraculous deeds. It is the Holy Spirit who gives us power to do deeds of power (Acts 1:8). Secondly, Jesus gives the church and His followers His authority (Matthew 28:18). Power without authority is not enough since there are spiritual forces and powers in the spiritual realm. What is needed to defeat spiritual forces of evil is the authority of Jesus. Verses such as 1 Peter 3:22 and Ephesians 1:22 tell us that all things in heaven and earth are under Jesus authority. Without Jesus' authority we would end up like the seven sons of Sceva (Acts 19:11-20). Note that being used by Jesus brings great joy (Luke 10:17)
Key Points
- Jesus will always provide the supernatural power and spiritual authority you need to fulfill His calling on your life
- God's purpose for you: Share Jesus with all people in your everyday life through word and deed
- Imagine what God will do through you if you answer God's call and walk in faith and reach out to others
Digging Deeper Questions
1. Have you ever experienced a supernatural healing or deliverance from evil in your own life or someone else's life?
2. Discuss what evidence of demon activity you see in people's lives today?
3. Discuss the meaning of and difference between power and authority? Have you ever thought of yourself as having Jesus' power and authority? Why or why not?
4. If someone where to ask you to explain what it means to proclaim the kingdom of God what would you tell them? Break into groups of two and practice telling each other the message of the Kingdom of God.
5. Discuss your insights into Jesus' instructions in verses 3-5. What are the basic principles we can apply today?
6. How do you think the 12 disciples felt when they experienced the power of God working through them and healing and saving people? How would you feel?
7. What if anything prevents or hinders you from doing what the disciples did?
2. Discuss what evidence of demon activity you see in people's lives today?
3. Discuss the meaning of and difference between power and authority? Have you ever thought of yourself as having Jesus' power and authority? Why or why not?
4. If someone where to ask you to explain what it means to proclaim the kingdom of God what would you tell them? Break into groups of two and practice telling each other the message of the Kingdom of God.
5. Discuss your insights into Jesus' instructions in verses 3-5. What are the basic principles we can apply today?
6. How do you think the 12 disciples felt when they experienced the power of God working through them and healing and saving people? How would you feel?
7. What if anything prevents or hinders you from doing what the disciples did?
This Week's Challenge
Come up with an application from these verses that you will apply this week.
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