Messages from the Minor Prophets
Study Guide Week five
Message for Sunday July 29, 2018
This Week Reading: Habakkuk 3;17-19 Additional Reading: Read the book of Habakkuk
Trusting in God is not easy at times. Situations happen in our lives and in the lives of those we love. Things like illnesses and other struggles are part of being human. When these things interrupt our lives questions arise in our minds. People around us also have questions when they see disasters and innocent people suffering. All of the questions begin with the word WHY. Why is there suffering? Why is there evil and injustice? If God is good why does he allow this to happen? The book of Habakkuk deals with these questions. Habakkuk like many of the Bible writers has questions for God (see also Psalms 13:1-2; 74:10; 22:1-2). The unique aspect of the book of Habakkuk is that God answers Habakkuk. The book is a dialogue between Habakkuk and God. The book is only 3 chapters long and a great book to read. The verses we are studying this week 3:17-19 are perhaps the most powerful expressions of faith in the midst of questions found in the Bible. God's goal for each of us is to bring us as He did to Habakkuk, to the place of complete surrender and trust in Him.
Trusting in God is not easy at times. Situations happen in our lives and in the lives of those we love. Things like illnesses and other struggles are part of being human. When these things interrupt our lives questions arise in our minds. People around us also have questions when they see disasters and innocent people suffering. All of the questions begin with the word WHY. Why is there suffering? Why is there evil and injustice? If God is good why does he allow this to happen? The book of Habakkuk deals with these questions. Habakkuk like many of the Bible writers has questions for God (see also Psalms 13:1-2; 74:10; 22:1-2). The unique aspect of the book of Habakkuk is that God answers Habakkuk. The book is a dialogue between Habakkuk and God. The book is only 3 chapters long and a great book to read. The verses we are studying this week 3:17-19 are perhaps the most powerful expressions of faith in the midst of questions found in the Bible. God's goal for each of us is to bring us as He did to Habakkuk, to the place of complete surrender and trust in Him.
Some Background Information
Habakkuk was a prophet who lived approximately 600 years before the time of Jesus. He lived in a dying nation. The nation of Israel and Judah had turned from God and despite God sending numerous warnings to the people over hundreds of years they never turned back to God. As a result God was getting ready to send judgment against the nation of Judah. God was going to use the Babylonians, a nation to the north, to invade and capture the land of Judah. The Babylonians were ruthless, violent, evil people. The book of Habakkuk has 3 chapters and is basically a dialogue between Habakkuk and God. Habakkuk has questions and does not understand what God is doing. It does not make sense to him. His first question (chapter 1:1-6) is why does God allow so much wickedness in society. He sees in his own country that the rich are abusing and taking advantage of the poor, there is injustice, immorality and evil of every kind yet God does nothing about it. God responds in chapter 1 verses 5-11. God tells Habakkuk that he, God, is going to use the Babylonians to punish Habakkuk's country. Habakkuk now asks how God could use people who are more evil to punish his people (chapter 1:12-2;1).God responds that he will eventually judge and punish the Babylonians also. The final section chapter 3 is a prayer of trust and faith on the part of Habakkuk to God.
Verse 17 is a reference to the agricultural situation in Judah and would indicate a situation of no food and starvation. The reference to the feet of a deer is a picture of stability and not stumbling (see also Psalm 18:33).
Digging Deeper Questions:
1. What 'Why' questions do you have for God either about your life or the world? What types of 'Why' questions do people in general have for God?
2. Does it ever seem to you like God is sleeping and unconcerned with situations around you? Why or why not?
3. What situation was Habakkuk facing as described in chapter 3 verse 17?
4. Discuss verse 18 and focus on the word yet. What types of situations have you faced that were difficult yet you did not give up but trusted God?
5. Break down the parts of verse 19 and discuss how each part applies to your life.
6. What heights do you want to walk on in your life?
7. What can you apply in your life from this study?
This Week’s Victory Challenge: Create a challenge for your group this week
6. What heights do you want to walk on in your life?
7. What can you apply in your life from this study?
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