
Friday, July 13, 2018

A Call to Repentance

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Messages from the Minor Prophets
 Study Guide Week Three

Message for Sunday July 15, 2018

This Week Reading:   Joel 2:12-19  Additional Reading: Read Joel chapters 1-3                                                                                                                                                              


Is it ever too late to turn to God? What does it mean to turn back to God? What is God like? These are some of the questions that are answered in the book of Joel. Containing only 3 chapters Joel is one of the books of the Minor Prophets. Very little is known about who Joel is. The most important thing we need to know about Joel is found in verse 1 of chapter 1. The word of the Lord that came to Joel. God's word continues to come to us through the book of Joel today. God desires to speak to us so that we will return to Him. The book has several key themes throughout the book. First the book speaks of God's judgment both in the past through an invasion of locusts and in the future at the Day of the Lord (Judgment day). Second the book describes God as a compassionate and forgiving God who desires to forgive and restore people. Finally the book is a call to turn to God. The biblical word repentance means to turn around. Joel also makes sure that we know that when we turn to God He restores the things that have been broken in our lives.  

Some Background Information

The words 'even now' found in verse 12 of chapter 2 are encouraging inviting words from God to His people. It is not too late to turn to God. The reason given by Joel is the nature of God and God's attributes (Character traits) listed in verses 13. Rending or tearing your garments or clothes was a symbol of morning in that culture. People would rip a portion of their clothes to show they were mourning. However this often became an external act and not from the heart similar to putting on black clothes to go to a funeral. Sorrow for sin must come from the heart for their to be real repentance. Blowing the trumpet was done as a warning. A guard would blow a trumpet to warn the people that an enemy was approaching a City. Thus this is a command to warn others of the need to change and turn to God. Verse 19 is a picture of restoration. Compare this verse with verses 10 and 11 of chapter one.

Digging Deeper Questions:

1. Discuss what repentance means. What is the difference between repentance from the heart and external symbols repentance? Give some examples. .
2. List some of the character traits of God found in these verses. Discuss times in your life that you have experienced these characteristics of God. Why is repentance based on knowing God's character?.
3. Discuss verse 15 - 16. How can these verses be applied today? 
4. What are the priests to do as described in verse 17? 1 Peter 1:9-10 notes that followers of Jesus are priests of God. How do we apply verse 17 to our lives?
5. Discuss verse 18.
6. Describe a time when you repented? Do you need to repent now?
7. Who in your life needs to know God's call to repentance?

This Week’s Victory Challenge: Pray for people who need repentance and look for opportunities to tell them about God's character.

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