
Friday, June 8, 2018

Servants and Stewards

Living and Moving in the Holy Spirit
Part II: Walking in the Spirit
 Study Guide Week Three

Message for Sunday June 10, 2018

This Week Reading:   1 Corinthians 4:1-5  Additional Reading: Luke 12:35-48                                                                                                                                                              


Several words jump off the page in this weeks scripture. Understanding the concepts behind these words is the key to understanding what Paul is saying to the church in Corinth (for more background information on this bible book read the prior studies). Three key words are servants, entrusted and judged. A servant is someone who is employed by someone else and acts under the direction of that person. Paul says he is a servant of Christ. The question is whether you would describe yourself in that way. The second word is entrusted. A servant is entrusted with a job or task by the master. Here Paul says we are entrusted with the mysteries of God. In other words God has entrusted His servants with His, God's, message. The third word (found four times in verses 3-5) is the word judge. It is of course related to the first two words. A servant who is entrusted with something will be judged by the master as to whether or not they were faithful with what they were entrusted with. A simple yet easy to forget concept particularly if the master is away for an extended period of time. 

Some Background Information

Jesus repeatedly used stories about a servant being entrusted with something by a master. In all of the stories the master goes away sometimes for a long time. No one knows when the master will return. When the master does return he judges the servants on whether they were faithful with the task they had been entrusted with. These parables are found in, Luke 12:42; Matthew 25:14; Luke 19:13; Matthew 18:23 and Luke 12;20. These stories are used by Jesus to teach us what the kingdom of God is like. The point is simple we will be held accountable for being faithful with what we have been given. Paul says we have been entrusted with the mysteries of God. In Ephesians chapter 3 verse 6 Paul make it clear what the mysteries of God are. He states the mystery is that God's plan is that all people come to know Jesus Christ and share in the promise of Jesus Christ. We have therefore been entrusted with the gospel message. In Matthew 28:16-20  Jesus entrusts his servant (us) with the task of making disciples. How faithful are we?

Digging Deeper Questions:

1. An important area to examine is the question of whether you are available to God to be used. What things prevent people from being available? Discuss how you have dealt with these things in your life.
2. Have you ever felt God calling you to do something either big or small? How did you respond?
3. In what ways do you struggle with being a servant of Jesus? 
4. How has God been leading you in your daily life to be His presence to others around you? How has He used you to speak His message?
5. If God were to judge you today on your faithfulness in sharing His message with others how would you do on a scale of 1-10 (10 being perfect) Why do you chose that number?
6. How can you encourage each other to be God's servant daily? How as a group can you be God's servants in the area where you meet?
7. What will you do differently as a result of this study?

This Week’s Victory Challenge: Implement together a plan to reach other people through your group. (same as last week - keep at it until you have a plan)

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