
Friday, June 22, 2018

Reflecting Jesus

Living and Moving in the Holy Spirit
Part II: Walking in the Spirit
 Study Guide Week Five

Message for Sunday June 24, 2018

This Week Reading:   1 Corinthians 5:1-13  Additional Reading: Leviticus 18:1-23; Acts 5:1-11                                                                                                                                                              


If you have been reading along in first Corinthians and you got to chapter five you might think that Paul was beginning a totally different topic. He has been stressing the power of the gospel, his authority over the church at Corinth, the superiority of God's wisdom to man's wisdom and the meaning of what it is to be spiritual. Suddenly he switches to address a situation where a man is having sexual relations with his father's wife. This however is all part of Paul's main concern for the church at Corinth. Paul's concern is the authority of the message of the gospel because the message is the power of God. The Corinth church leaders were apparently unconcerned about this situation of sexual immorality that had become well known. The leaders at Corinth were separating what it meant to be spiritual from having a Christ like character. As a result there was a danger that the message of the gospel would lose its power. Paul therefore exerts his authority over them as an apostle and a spiritual father. The verses divide into several sections. First verse 1 and 2 deals with the sexually immoral situation and the church leaders allowing it to continue without in any way addressing the situation. Second verses 3-5 Paul writes about the necessity of confrontation and expelling the immoral person from the church with the purpose of bringing them to change their life.The third section verse 6-8 Paul writes about the danger of sin spreading using the illustration of yeast that spreads through an entire batch of dough. The last section 9-13 Paul sets forth the concept that Christians are not to seek to leave the world but rather be pure in an impure world as a witness to Christ. Another way of saying this is that Christians are to reflect Jesus to others. The verses show the terrible effect of sin and compromise have on the witness of the church and followers of Jesus individually. 

Some Background Information

The sexual immorality mentioned here is apparently incest or perhaps a man having sex with his step mother. For a listing of sexual relationships that are forbidden read Leviticus chapter 18 verses 1-23. Verse 8 refers to this exact situation. These verses are also an example of the responsibility that a church and leaders have to confront and discipline members of the church. Here Paul is telling them to ex-communicate the man, meaning throw him out of the church. The goal of all discipline is the repentance and restoration of the one who is in sin. In 2 Corinthians 2:5-11 Paul advises them to accept the man back. The church is to be God's presence on earth as such it is to reflect the purity and holiness of Jesus. Ultimately Paul's concern in these verses is the health of the church and their effectiveness as a reflection of the character of Jesus.

Digging Deeper Questions:

1. What types of sexual immorality do we see today in our society? How about in the church in general? How can a follower of Jesus guard themselves from temptation in this area?
2. What do you think about verse 5? What does it mean? Is it harsh in your opinion? Read 2 Corinthians 2"5-11 to see what happened to this man.
3. Why does Paul speak of sin as being like yeast. discuss what that means. Have you seen that? 
4.  Discuss the role confrontation has had in your spiritual journey in making you more like Jesus?
5. Discuss verses 9-13 and come up with an understanding of how we are to live in a sinful world.
6. What area of your life does not reflect the character of Jesus?
7. What will you apply from this study?

This Week’s Victory Challenge: Implement together a plan to reach other people through your group. (same as last week - keep at it until you have a plan)

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