
Friday, April 6, 2018

Seeing Jesus: Job's Journey

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The Road to Victory Study Guide Week Six: 

Message for Sunday April 8, 2018

This Week Reading:   Job 42:1-6   Additional Reading: Job chapters 1, 2, 3,  38 and 42:7-17


The book of Job is one of five books in the Bible that are known as wisdom books. The other four are Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. The purpose of these books is to give us wisdom on how to live our lives. The book of Job deals with the question we all ask at times in our lives - WHY? Why does God allow suffering? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why did this happen to me? Should not people who follow God be blessed and not face suffering? At the root of the book is a question directed to all of us - Will we still follow God when bad things happen to us? Job is a book everyone should read through several times in their life. Job will not only help us in times of suffering but lead us to appreciate the mystery of God. The book also shows us how not to help those who are suffering. Finally the book leads us to a new vision of who God is. As Eugene Peterson has said," Real faith cannot be reduced to spiritual bromides and merchandised in success stories. It is refined in the fires and storms of pain."

Some Background Information

The book of Job (pronounced Joob with a long o not job as in work) has several parts or scenes to it. Be sure to read the additional reading above. 

Scene One: We are introduced to Job - a godly man and a blessed man. Then we see a scene in heaven where God allows Satan to test Job to see if Job's faith will stand the test of loss and suffering (1:6-12; 2:1-7). Finally Job is tested with 2 terrible tests of suffering - first - losing all of his children to death and all his possessions and second having a tormenting skin disease that gives him no peace.

Scene Two: This is the longest part of the book in which 4 of Jobs friends discuss with Job what the cause of his suffering is. (Chapters 3-37)

Scene Three: God answers Job and Job responds to God - chapters 38-42

Scene Four: Job's finally condition 42:7-17 

Digging Deeper Questions:

1. Have the group tell the story of Job in their own words.
2. What questions and thoughts would be running through your mind if you were Job?
3. Can you identify with Job in wondering why God allows suffering?
4. What conclusion does Job come to in verses 1-6 of chapter 42?
5. How would you answer someone who asked Why does God allow suffering?
6. What is the best way to respond to a friend who is going through a tragedy?
7. What can you apply from the story of Job?

This Week’s Victory Challenge: Reach out to someone going through suffering this week and be God’s presence to them.

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