Living and Moving in the Holy Spirit
Part I: Our Purpose & Power
Study Guide Week Two:
Message for Sunday April 22, 2018
This Week Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 Additional Reading: Ephesians 4:1-6; James 3:16; Philippians 2: 2-8
Paul knew the church in Corinth needed to deal with a key problem in the church. The issue of pride with a capital P. There were divisions forming in the church and quarreling was taking place. This problem if not dealt with would result in a loss of purpose and a loss of power. The focus would no longer be on reaching lost people and building God's kingdom but on internal quarreling and winning or losing arguments. The Holy Spirit would not be present in power and blessing without unity. Being the good leader he was Paul dives right in and addresses the problem. The work of the ministry can only be done as a team. Therefore Satan always attacks the unity of the church and seeks to bring division. This is one of the main reasons Paul is writing to the Corinthians. In verse 11 Paul lets us know that he has received a report of lack of unity from people connected with a woman named Chloe. In response to this report he writes the letter to the Corinthians.
The issue of conflict and a lack of unity is actually a symptom of a deeper issue or problem - the problem of pride. Paul writes frequently about the issue of pride in his letters. He points the people to Jesus and the cross as an example of humility and self renunciation. The additional scriptures above are examples where Paul writes about humility. 1 Corinthians 1 verses 10-17 can be divided into 3 parts as follows: 1. The problem - quarreling and divisions in the church. 2. The real issue of pride. Note the use of I repeatedly in verse 12. Finally 3. The solution - the message and the power of the cross. Unity becomes possible to the extent we are able to humble ourselves and put the purpose first. This is true in relationships, business and the church.
Paul knew the church in Corinth needed to deal with a key problem in the church. The issue of pride with a capital P. There were divisions forming in the church and quarreling was taking place. This problem if not dealt with would result in a loss of purpose and a loss of power. The focus would no longer be on reaching lost people and building God's kingdom but on internal quarreling and winning or losing arguments. The Holy Spirit would not be present in power and blessing without unity. Being the good leader he was Paul dives right in and addresses the problem. The work of the ministry can only be done as a team. Therefore Satan always attacks the unity of the church and seeks to bring division. This is one of the main reasons Paul is writing to the Corinthians. In verse 11 Paul lets us know that he has received a report of lack of unity from people connected with a woman named Chloe. In response to this report he writes the letter to the Corinthians.
The issue of conflict and a lack of unity is actually a symptom of a deeper issue or problem - the problem of pride. Paul writes frequently about the issue of pride in his letters. He points the people to Jesus and the cross as an example of humility and self renunciation. The additional scriptures above are examples where Paul writes about humility. 1 Corinthians 1 verses 10-17 can be divided into 3 parts as follows: 1. The problem - quarreling and divisions in the church. 2. The real issue of pride. Note the use of I repeatedly in verse 12. Finally 3. The solution - the message and the power of the cross. Unity becomes possible to the extent we are able to humble ourselves and put the purpose first. This is true in relationships, business and the church.
Some Background Information
Paul says in verse 10 that he is speaking in the name of Jesus. He is thus exerting his authority over them as the Apostle. The church at Corinth appears to have divided into four groups. One is of the group of Paul (referring to Paul the Apostle). One is the group of Apollos (He was a powerful teacher see Acts 18:24-28). One is the group of Cephas (Cephas is the Aramaic name for Peter referring to the Apostle Peter the disciple of Jesus - see John 1:42). The final group is the Jesus group. Apparently these groups had different views on issues and beliefs and were arguing with each other. The people such as Paul or Apollos or Peter or Jesus had nothing to do with forming the groups. Paul reminds them that there is only one body or group - the body of Christ (read Ephesians 4:1-1-6). He also reminds them that the focus is the message of the Cross and that if there is division the message of the Cross loses its power.
Five Levels of conflicts from the author Speed Lees
Level One: A Problem to Solve
Conflicting goals, values, needs. Problem oriented rather than person oriented.
Level Two: Disagreement
Mixing of personalities and issues, problem cannot be clearly defined. Beginning of distrust and personalizing problem.
Level Three: Contest
Begin the dynamics of “win/lose.” Personal attacks. Formation of factions, sides, camps. Distortion a major problem.
Level Four: Fight/Flight
Shifts from winning to getting rid of person(s). Factions are solidified. Talk now takes on the language of “principles,” not “issues.”
Level Five: Intractable Situations
No longer clear understanding of issue(s); personalities have become the focus. Conflict is now unmanageable. Energy is centered on the elimination and/or destruction of the person(s).
Digging Deeper Questions:
1. Are you the type of person that deals with problems immediately? Why or why not?
2. Have you seen divisions in a church or family or work place? Discuss together what you have seen and your insights.
3. Why is unity so important? Why is it so hard?
4. Come up with a definition of humility as a group. Use the additional scriptures above to help you.
5. Why do people struggle with pride? Why is humility so difficult?
6. What are things that can be done in a church to maintain unity.
7. Let each person in the group tell one take away from this study.
This Week’s Victory Challenge: Read and meditate on Ephesians chapter 4 verses 1-6 this week and seek to implement it in all your relationships. Report back next time how it went..
Paul says in verse 10 that he is speaking in the name of Jesus. He is thus exerting his authority over them as the Apostle. The church at Corinth appears to have divided into four groups. One is of the group of Paul (referring to Paul the Apostle). One is the group of Apollos (He was a powerful teacher see Acts 18:24-28). One is the group of Cephas (Cephas is the Aramaic name for Peter referring to the Apostle Peter the disciple of Jesus - see John 1:42). The final group is the Jesus group. Apparently these groups had different views on issues and beliefs and were arguing with each other. The people such as Paul or Apollos or Peter or Jesus had nothing to do with forming the groups. Paul reminds them that there is only one body or group - the body of Christ (read Ephesians 4:1-1-6). He also reminds them that the focus is the message of the Cross and that if there is division the message of the Cross loses its power.
Five Levels of conflicts from the author Speed Lees
Level One: A Problem to Solve
Conflicting goals, values, needs. Problem oriented rather than person oriented.
Level Two: Disagreement
Mixing of personalities and issues, problem cannot be clearly defined. Beginning of distrust and personalizing problem.
Level Three: Contest
Begin the dynamics of “win/lose.” Personal attacks. Formation of factions, sides, camps. Distortion a major problem.
Level Four: Fight/Flight
Shifts from winning to getting rid of person(s). Factions are solidified. Talk now takes on the language of “principles,” not “issues.”
Level Five: Intractable Situations
No longer clear understanding of issue(s); personalities have become the focus. Conflict is now unmanageable. Energy is centered on the elimination and/or destruction of the person(s).
6. What are things that can be done in a church to maintain unity.
7. Let each person in the group tell one take away from this study.
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