
Friday, April 13, 2018

Answer the Call

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Living and Moving in the Holy Spirit
Part I: Our Purpose & Power
 Study Guide Week One: 

Message for Sunday April 15, 2018

This Week Reading:   1 Corinthians 1:1-9   Additional Reading: Acts 18:1-18

Introduction to the Book of 1 Corinthians

The Apostle Paul wrote what is known as the Bible book of 1 Corinthians to a group of followers of Jesus who lived in the city of Corinth in what is now the country of Greece. Corinth was a city of commercial importance and it controlled the main commercial trade routes in the area. It was a Roman city and was very prosperous and multicultural with people of different backgrounds living there. It was also a city filled with sexual immorality. Corinth was the Las Vegas or New York of the ancient world. Rich people as well as poor people lived side by side and were part of the church there. Paul wrote the letter in response to some serious problems in the church. Paul was the one who started the church in Corinth (read Acts chapter 18). This is the second letter Paul is writing to them as indicated in chapter 5 verse 9. The other letter has never been found. One of the key issues in the book is - What does it mean to be spiritual. There is behavior going on in Corinth which is not consistent with what true spirituality is. The people in the church had developed a separation between what was understood as spiritual and how they lived day to day. Three of the main topics in the book are 1) The coming of Jesus Christ, 2) The Gospel and how to live (morality) and 3) what is the church. As Gordon Fee notes in his commentary on this book:

    The need for discipleship modeled after the weakness of Christ, for love to rule over all, for edification to be the aim of worship, for sexual immorality to be seen for what it is, and for the expectation of marriages to be permanent are as relevant to us today as they were in Paul's time.

Introduction to Verses 1-9 of Chapter 1

The first 9 verses are the introduction to who is sending the letter and who is receiving the letter. Paul uses these verses to bring out the call of God on his life as well as the call of God on the lives of the people in Corinth and all followers of Jesus. The Greek word for church or saints is a word that literally means called out ones. He notes how the church is in partnership with Jesus and is the representative of Jesus in the City of Corinth. By doing this Paul is seeking to help them understand their identity and their purpose. He also begins to tell them about the spiritual gifts that they have been given. This is a main focus of Paul's letter and he will go into it in more depth later on in the letter.  

Some Background Information

As an Apostle, Paul has authority over the church and is responsible to correct false doctrine and guide the church in correct doctrine. He has the authority as Jesus' representative (read Ephesians chapter 4 1-16 for more information on the role of an Apostle and how the church is designed by God to operate). Paul is also connecting the people's call to be God's children and their call to be God's representatives in the city of Corinth with the power they have through the Holy Spirit in terms of spiritual gifts (read Romans chapter 12 verses 4-8 for more information on spiritual gifts).  The word translated holy ones literally is set apart ones. That is to say that followers of Jesus are set apart for God's purposes. Paul also brings out the idea of fellowship or partnership with God. So the idea is basically this 1. God is calling us to join Him in what He is doing 2. God will empower us to do what He calls us to do and  3. God will be faithful to accomplish what He has called us to do as we partner with what He is doing in the world.

Digging Deeper Questions:

1. Have you answered God's call to be his child/ When?
2. How has God called you to serve Him ?  Do you sense God calling you to take a new step or next        step?
3. What spiritual gifts do you see in the people in your group? In yourself? Discuss them together as      a group.
4. In what ways can your group partner with what God is doing in the world?
5. Tell about a time you experienced God's faithfulness in empowering you to accomplish His call on        your life?
6. Discuss any areas of uncertainty or fear you have in responding to God's call on your life.
7. Have a time of ministering to each other in prayer for God's call on each of your lives for the next      season of life. 

This Week’s Victory Challenge: Discuss how you can begin to use your gifts in ministry with the church. If you are already doing that encourage others to take that step..

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