The Road to Victory Study Guide: Week Three: Return to God
Message for Sunday March 18
Message for Sunday March 18
This Week Reading: Hosea 6:1-6
The book of Hosea is a unique book in the Bible. God actually uses the prophet Hosea's life as an illustration of God's relationship to his people. In chapter one God first tells Hosea to marry an unfaithful woman and have children with her. In chapter two the expected happens and Hosea's wife is unfaithful numerous times and abandons her husband and children. She becomes a prostitute and eventually is sold into slavery. After many years in chapter three God calls Hosea to buy his wife back from slavery and take her back home. It is an illustration of God's faithfulness and love for us. We however commit "adultery" by going after other things. These things lead us to brokenness and bondage. God's love for us never changes and he buys us back. His buying us back is a beautiful illustration of Jesus' death on the cross to buys us back from sin.
Some Background Information
The word 'Come' which begins verse 6 is a powerful word used throughout the Bible. Some of the more well know instances are Isaiah 55:1-3; Matthew 11:28-30 and Revelation 22:17 read theses verses over to get an idea of God's desire to reach all people. The call is to return to the Lord. Throughout the Bible and history God calls people to return to Him, to come back to their first love. Once we become followers of Jesus we then have the responsibility and privileged to call others to come to Jesus. read 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 20. It is never too late for someone to turn back to God. verse six is a good summary of what God requires of us. Verse six tells us what it is like to have a real relationship with God. some similar verses in the Bible are Micah 6:8, Psalm 51:7, Deuteronomy 10 verse 12 and Mark 12 verse 33. Love and mercy towards God and others are the keep traits of those who follow Jesus.
Questions for Group Study
Deeper Questions:
1. Why is it easy for people to drift away from God?
Give some examples?
2. What is the relationship between drifting from
God and brokenness? How does God use brokenness in our lives? How has God used
it in your life?
3. What promises does Hosea give us about what God
will do if we return to God? (Verse 2-3)
4. What is the people’s love compared to in verse 4?
Have you experienced this in your life or the lives of others?
5. According to verses 5 what is the purpose of
God’s word? Discuss what conviction means.
6. Discuss verse 6 together and how it can be
applied in your lives.
7. What are
your points of application this week?
Week’s Victory Challenge: In what areas of your life do you need to return to
the Lord? Ask for prayer for that area. How can you reach out this week to
someone who is drifting away from God?
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