
Friday, March 23, 2018

Follow the King: Sunday March 25, 2018

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The Road to Victory Study Guide: Week Four: Palm Sunday

Message for Sunday March 25, 2018

This Week Reading:   Luke 19:28-44 


Palm Sunday. Do you have any memories of Palm Sunday? I remember going to church as a child because that is what my parents wanted me to do and I remember once per year getting some Palms given to me in church. It was a tradition every year. Like eating fish on good Friday. Like getting ashes on Ash Wednesday. Like singing Christmas songs on Christmas. We love traditions and they in themselves are not bad. Traditions are however deceptive. We come to believe that because we follow certain traditions we are doing what God asks of us. Nothing could be further from the truth. Traditions are reality turned into image. Traditions are rituals with no power. Palm Sunday is all about Jesus and His Unstoppable Kingdom. The key question is are you part of that Kingdom. Are you following the King? Are you building His kingdom? This week as you read and discuss the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem put traditions aside and ask what Jesus is saying to you through thia true event that is recorded in these scriptures.

Some Background Information

Luke who carefully investigated all the events in Jesus life and wrote them down (Luke 1:1-4) now begins to describe the last week of Jesus' life. Jesus knows he is going to die on the cross. He however enters Jerusalem as a King. The symbolism of people placing coats on the ground for the person to walk on was a sign in that culture that the person was being acknowledged as a King (see 2 Kings 9:13). The words the people sing and shout out as Jesus passes by are the words that are reserved for the Messiah (see Psalm 118:26). The words also echo the worship the angels gave to Jesus at His birth (see Luke 2:14). The prophet Zechariah predicted that the messiah would be riding upon a donkey (see Zechariah 9:9). The pharisees in verse 39 object to what is being said because they know the significance is that Jesus is declaring Himself to be the king. Everyone must chose sides. Rather than being a tradition what has been called Palm Sunday is actually a reminder that there is a choice we must make - will we follow Jesus as king or will we reject him. We see the division that takes place. Jesus' followers rejoice while others complain and plot to kill him. It is the same today we must chose who to serve. Our life only will make sense if we make Jesus King of our lives.

The shortest verse in the Bible is John 11:35 it says simply "Jesus wept." Jesus was deeply touched by the brokenness and hardness of people's hearts. He desired that all would come to know him. In these verses Jesus weeps over an entire city because the people have rejected Him as King and have other 'kings' in their lives. Today Jesus weeps over our cities and towns and over all the people in our lives. The more we walk with Jesus the more we have the same burden he did - to bring peace and restoration to the broken. What a great purpose to live for. What a great King to follow. Are you following Him? Are you on the sidelines? Jesus invites you to join Him in the greatest adventure ever.

Digging Deeper Questions:
1. How do Kings, Presidents or important people usually enter a City?
2. Discuss the significance of Jesus riding on a donkey? 
3. Why were the people celebrating? Describe the scene.
4. In the midst of the happy celebration what is Jesus’ emotion? Why?
5. Did Jesus’ disciples understand what was going to happen to Jesus in Jerusalem? What did they hope was going to happen?
6. Why did Jesus voluntarily go to the cross and not become an earthly King?
7. What is a personal application for you?

This Week’s Victory Challenge: This coming week is the Easter outreaches – Good Friday – Saturday and Easter Sunday – encourage each other to bring people and children to church. Pray for the outreaches.

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