
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

5 Keys to Personal Health in Ministry

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Key Thought: Effective leaders are healthy people

The Problem

Ministry is like a two sided equation. On one side are the demands of ministry. Ministry is a call not a nine to five job. Jesus set an example for us of total self sacrifice. Those who respond to Jesus' call have a deep desire to make a difference. The need is enormous and growing. The depth of brokenness in our society is overwhelming. On the other side are the resources. The workers are few and the resources limited. Our time is limited. Our energy is limited. Support systems are often non existent or not working effectively. Mentors are few. The combination of great need and limited resources can lead to unhealthy ministry patterns.

Unhealthy ministry patterns lead to unhealthy leaders. If unaddressed these  patterns will lead to burnout. Burnout manifests itself when one of the 3 main systems in our bodies breaks down. The breakdown occurs because our limits have been stretched too far and for too long. The 3 systems susceptible to burnout are our physical, emotional and mental systems. Burnout manifests in our physical system with conditions things such as heart attack, stomach problems, and immune system problems to name a few. Burnout manifests itself in our emotional system with things such as depression, anxiety, and anger to mention a few. Finally burnout can manifest itself in our mental system with a break from reality, addictions and compulsive thoughts to name a few possibilities. There is recovery from burnout but it takes a long time, is difficult and may lead to permanent disability. It took me approximately 5 years to recover from emotional burnout as a result of unhealthy ministry patterns in my life. The key is to avoid burnout by ensuring that our ministry patterns are healthy.

The Five Keys to to Personal Health in Ministry 

 Key Number 1: Be responsible to people not responsible for people

My responsibility as a Pastor is to teach people and build an environment in which people have the opportunity to grow and become what God created them to be. I am responsible to do that. I am not responsible for what people do with what I teach. They are responsible for their decisions and lives. I am not responsible for them I am responsible to them. Jesus said to Matthew while Matthew was sitting at the tax collectors booth, "Come follow me' but Matthew had to decide to get up and go or to stay (Matthew 9:9). You are not responsible for people's decisions. 

There is however someone you are responsible for - YOU! No one is responsible for your health, your schedule, your balance in life or your decision to say yes or no to a request. You are responsible for yourself. If you have difficulty in this area then a good step would be for you to take assertiveness training. A future post will address this issue in depth. You are also responsible for your spouse if married, your children (until they become adults not thereafter) and your parents as they age.

Key Number 2: The Sabbath Principle

God has built into the fabric of creation the Sabbath principle. One day out of seven is a gift of rest for mankind. Violation of this principle will result in consequences. Man was created with a need for rest. Jesus submitted to the sabbath principle as did the apostles (Luke 4:15). You may work a secular job full time and do ministry basically full time also as well as study and have family responsibilities. You may believe you have no time for one day off. Your schedule as currently arranged probably does not include one day off. . My responsibility is to tell you that you must arrange your schedule so you will have a Sabbath day and if you do not you will not be healthy. It is your responsibility to apply this principle. A good book that discusses the sabbath principle is 24/6: A Prescription for a Healthier Happier Life written by a medical doctor Matthew Sleeth

Key Number 3: Team Ministry

God has always intended ministry to be done in teams. No one person no matter how gifted they are is indispensable. We see this clearly in the life of the Apostle Paul. Just a superficial reading of the beginning of most of his letters indicates that he ministered as part of a team. Solo ministry is not biblical and is not healthy. In fact the only city in which there is no record of Paul planting a church is Athens (Acts 17:16). Significantly Paul was alone in Athens. In 2 Timothy 4:9-13 when Paul is alone with only Luke by his side, he asks Timothy to come and to bring Mark with him.  

Key Number 4: Know Yourself

We all have weaknesses and strengths. We all have been effected by past traumas and experiences. Maturity comes when we know and accept ourselves. Once we know ourselves we can say no to areas that are outside of our strengths. For example my strengths are teaching, preaching and leadership. I do not have strengths in pastoral care. Naturally there are times that I have to give pastoral care and counsel. Those times are draining for me personally. Knowing myself I seek to have others around me who can minister in that area. Similarly we all have been affected by past experiences. For example my mother died of cancer when I was 12 years old after suffering for 3 years. I watched her die little by little. I was deeply affected by that experience. I have been healed of that trauma but I must be careful not to involve myself with ministry to the dying to any great extent. It is too sensitive an area for me.

Key Number 5: Take Off Hats

A wise man once told me that our journey in ministry is a process of taking off hats until we are wearing the one hat that God want us to wear. Once we discover that hat we can say no to everything else and devote ourselves to that area. The picture of the church as a building in Ephesians chapter 2 verses 19-22 makes the point that we all have a place in the great building that God is building. Find your place and thrive there. 

Final Challenge

Go through these five keys and note the areas of growth for yourself. I encourage you to make some hard decision that will ensure that you will be healthy in ministry. I have done my part now it is up to you after all only you are responsible for you.

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