
Friday, February 9, 2018

Words of Integrity: James 1:1-12

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Integrity is a powerful word if properly understood. A definition of integrity that I really like is as follows, "the state of being whole and undivided." The idea is that a person of integrity is not one way on one day and different on another day. It speaks of consistency and reliability. God desires that our words and actions have integrity. Jesus always had harsh words for those whose actions did not match the words they spoke. Jesus pronounced judgment upon those who lived by appearances rather than who they really were. Jesus called these people hypocrites. They was an inconsistency between what they said and what they did. Read Matthew 5:37 and Matthew 231-7. James in these verses paints a compelling picture of the danger of double talk. If our words about faith and God and our actions do not match we become an obstacle to faith to those who observe us. God wants integrity of thought word and action. 

Some Background Information

The theme of these verses is the integrity of our lives. We can not say one thing and do another. We can not praise God and curse man. John makes this same point in 1 John 4:7-21. Note the different examples of inconsistencies that James gives in verses 9-12. This chapter follows James' discussion in chapter two of faith and works. The key verse in chapter 2 is James 2:17 which states, "In the same way faith if not accompanied by action is dead." This idea of the integrity between what we say about faith and what we do is one of James' key concerns in the entire book - do our words and actions say the same thing? Are we people of integrity? If we wish to become people of integrity then there must be congruence between what we say and what we do and between the image we project and the life we actually live. This is a huge issue in the areas of parenting, leadership, education and politics. In addition our ability to reach people for Jesus Christ is directly related to this issue of integrity. God certainly takes our integrity very seriously. James begins by noting that those who teach (those in a role model position) will be judged more severely. If you teach something God will hold you responsible to put it into practice in your life.

Devotional Ideas

1. Examine your life are you a person of integrity? Do your actions and words line up?
2. Think of some people of integrity who have impacted your life. what is it about them that impacted you?
3. Think of some people who have had a lack of integrity between what they said and did. How did that effect you?

Some Final Thoughts

The world needs to see followers of Jesus  who are people of integrity. People around you everyday are looking to you - will you be a person of integrity? 

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