
Friday, February 23, 2018

Unleash the Power of Prayer: James 5:13-18

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If you had specific advice to give a new follower of Jesus what would it be? James, the brother of Jesus and a respected leader in the early church, advised those reading his letter to release the power of prayer in all circumstances. Six times in theses few verses the word prayer is used. The verses can easily be divided into three sections. First the exhortation to pray in the circumstances of life (verses 13-14. Second the power of prayer (verses 15-16). Third an example of effective prayer (verses 17-18). Throughout the Bible we are encouraged and invited to pray and ask God for his help. Matthew chapter 7 verse 7 is one of the most well known verses on prayer where Jesus says ask and you will receive, seek and you will find and knock and the door will be open for you. In Luke chapter 18 beginning at verse one Jesus told a parable so that his followers would always pray and never give up.  As someone said prayer is the Christian's life.

Some Background Information

The situations mentioned by James in verses 13-14 are situations common to us all. Trouble or suffering refers to misfortune or unjust situations or hurts received at the hands of others. It is not meant to refer to physical sickness which is mentioned third. Happiness is mentioned second. these three general categories simply and completely describe the times and experiences of our lives. The solution for each situation is to direct our words toward God. The elders of the church refers to the leaders of the assembly of disciples. It places the responsibility for healing prayer in the hands of the church. It is a gift and privilege given by Jesus to the church. The oil is an outward symbol of the inner work of healing in the person's life. One interesting aspect of these scriptures is James' use of the prophet Elijah as a real life example of the awesome power of prayer. You can read this true account in 1 Kings chapter 18 focus especially upon verses 41 to the end. James makes particular emphasis on the fact that Elijah was just like us. In other words Elijah had times when he was in trouble, times of happiness and times of sickness. These verses also are connected with one of James' major themes in the book - the use of our tongue. He has previously spoken of improper uses of our words. James now directs use to the most powerful use of our tongue that of praying to God.

Some Devotional Ideas

1. Connect with a prayer group or someone you can pray with weekly over the phone.
2. Begin to use prayer as a way to minister to people in your circle. Pray for them and let them know you are praying for them.
3. When someone tells you a situation they are going through take the risk and pray with them in that moment.

Final Thoughts

As I write this the words of a song come to my mind "O what peace we forfeit when we do not take everything to God in prayer. Let us unleash the power of prayer.

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