
Friday, February 2, 2018

Time to Deal with Your Anger: James 1:19-27

Image result for anger


This Sunday at Crossroads we begin a series entitled, "The Power of Words." Think about how powerful words have been in your life. Perhaps a put down by someone you looked to for guidance that still echos in your mind. Perhaps words of encouragement that motivated you to take a step in your life. Perhaps angry words that cut you deep inside. We have all experienced first hand the power of words. This Sunday we focus on anger. Too often our anger is expressed in words that damage others. God loves everyone so much that using angry words is unacceptable. We all understand that words that hurt others are wrong. We all have heard that message before. Yet our application of the message is lacking. James, the brother of Jesus, emphasizes the doing of God's word in these verses. He focuses in on our use of angry words toward others. He makes clear that if we do not change our words then our religion is useless.

Some Background Information

The book of James is a practical book. James focuses on behavior not religious practices. Our faith is demonstrated by what we do not what we say we believe.  The Apostle John make a similar statement in 1 John 3:18 where he writes,"Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and truth." The emphasis throughout the Bible is on being a doer of the word not merely a hearer of God's word. This applies to our words. Our words are to be encouraging and healing and not destructive angry words that wound others. Paul makes this point in many of his letters. As an example read Colossians 3:8 and Ephesians 4:25-32 and note what Paul has to say. Jesus said blessed are those who do what He taught (Matthew 5-7). The key for our growth is to apply what we hear. It is not head knowledge that God desires from us but a changed life. A key area of a changed life is the words we use towards other people.

Some Devotional Ideas

1. Memorize Colossians 3;8 this week
2. Make it a practice when you come to church or read the Bible on your own to ask God to search your heart. Ask how does this apply to me.

Final Thought

My goal is that my words would build people up and never tear them down - how about you?

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