
Friday, January 5, 2018

Day One of the Rest of Your Life: Luke 19:1-10

Image result for luke 19;1-10


Where do we find the power to actually change our lives? Is it possible to go in new direction? What if we have already been traveling in the wrong direction for a long time? What if no one thinks we can do it? What about fear of leaving what we know. The incident of Zacchaeus which is recorded by Luke and not in any of the other gospel accounts, is an encouragement to all who do seek change in their lives. As we dissect the story we can see steps to change that we can apply in our own lives. The incident starts with Jesus seeking the lost. Jesus is on a mission to find and save the lost (Matthew 9:13; John 3:17). He is actually take the first step towards us. I note also that Zacchaeus has a desire to see Jesus so he sets out to see Him. Zacchaeus probably had no idea what would happen in his life that day he just took a step to see Jesus. Jesus of course was anticipating him and even knew his name. It is the encounter with Jesus that changes everything for Zacchaeus. He pressed through the opposition and difficulties. He also exhibited the fruit of repentance and a changed life by the radical change in his use of money. One writer wrote, "When Jesus comes into a person's life and gains authority there, selfishness and dishonesty are irresistibly eradicated." See Numbers chapter 5 verses 5-8 to understand why Zacchaeus offered to give back four times amount he cheated people.

Some Background Information

The Romans had invaded the land of Israel and we the occupying power. They controlled everything and the brutal Roman army kept everything peaceful. In order to make money the Romans imposed taxes upon the people they conquered. To collect the taxes they appointed people from the conquered population to collect the taxes. These people are known in the Bible as tax collectors. They worked with the enemy (Romans) collecting taxes from their own people (Jews). They were thus despised and hated for being traitors. Also they often used harsh methods to get as much money as possible out of the people. They would cheat and even charge more taxes than required. Many of course became rich while the people around them were poor. Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector. This indicates he was a very political person and probably very corrupt. Jericho, the town were Zacchaeus was assigned was a major trade point so a lot of business was done in Jericho. It was a good place for a tax collector to get rich.

The tree that Zacchaeus climbed up was a Sycamore Fig tree. This type of tree had low heavy branches making it easy to climb and sit in (in the nice shade) to watch a procession walk by. At this point in his life Jesus was popular having done many miracles and crowds would follow Him when He traveled.

Some Devotional Ideas

1. Examine your life and your relationship to money. Do you have money or does money have you?
2. As you go through your week be conscious that as a follower of Jesus every interaction you have with someone else could be an encounter with Jesus for that person through you. Live this week on a mission - that of seeking and saving the lost.

Final Thoughts

An encounter with Jesus changes everything. Whatever situation or circumstance you are in seek that encounter with the Lord.


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