
Friday, January 26, 2018

Be Patient God is at Work

Image result for psalm 40:1


Psalm 40 verses 1-3 is a Bible unto itself. These few words summarize so much of God's relationship with us. We all come to the place in our lives where we realize there are things beyond our control. Things that we may want to change or do but we simple can not change or do. Have you come to that place? It is actually a good place to be. I did not say it is a fun place or the place we want to be. It is however a place where we either turn to God to do what we can not do or we turn away from God and live our lives in bitterness and regret. Patiently waiting for God to do something is the place of victory. Sometimes it seems as if waiting and patience do not go together. Could it be that God is using the waiting times in our lives to mold us and make us dependent upon Him? Waiting is a theme throughout the Bible. The creation itself is waiting for Christ to return (Romans 8:19). Followers of Jesus are exhorted to wait for the blessed hope - the appearing of Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13). In our individual lives we go through periods of waiting. We pray and we wait. These verse are a source of strength and encouragement for all who wait.

Some Background Information

This is a Psalm written by David. It was intended to be sung in the temple worship. It is a song that King David wrote about a difficult time in his life. He felt like he was sinking into quicksand and he could not get himself out. The specific situation is unknown. Verses 12-14 describe David's feelings. Notice the progression of the verses: 

    David's crying out to the Lord in prayer for help
    Waiting patiently
    God hearing and answering
    God lifting David out of the pit - deliverance
    God setting David's feet on a solid foundation - restoration
    God putting a new song in David's mouth
    Other people seeing the deliverance David experienced
    Other people deciding to trust in God

Since this is a song or poem the language is figurative. David was not physically sinking into a pit. Rather these are pictures of how he was feeling. Make note of the different word pictures David paints in this Psalm. Sinking is a metaphor that is used elsewhere in the Bible for example in Psalm 69:2. Firm solid steps are also a common metaphor - see Psalm 37:23.  A new song refers to a new life or a restored life (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Devotional Ideas

1. Write your own Psalm about a time you cried out to God and He delivered you.
2. Tell someone of your experience so they to can know the God who delivers.

Final Thoughts

I wish I knew the music for this beautiful Psalm I would sing it often. 

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