
Friday, December 8, 2017

The Gift of Restoration

Image result for the gift of restoration


What is the theme of the Bible? What is the big picture? What is God doing in the world today? What is God's purpose in your life and my life? An excellent answer to all those questions is Restoration. Despite the secularization of Christmas the true essence of Christmas is restoration. As 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 19 reminds us "God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself." The prophet Isaiah in chapter 61 paints a beautiful picture of restoration. At the center of this picture of restoration Isaiah points to an individual who will bring restoration to broken people and to this broken word. Isaiah predicts this restoration in several other places most notably chapter 11 verse 1-9 and chapter 65 verses 17 - 25. In fact although the prophetic books of the Old Testament are known for their pronouncements of judgement equally evident is the pointing towards a future when there will be restoration of God's world and God's people. Think of how compelling a picture Isaiah paints of restoration. Think of how attractive and desirable this idea and reality is for people all around you.

Some Background Information

Isaiah point us to the future when an individual will come who will bring restoration to this world. In Luke chapter 4 verse 14-21 Jesus asks for the scroll (the bible was written on scrolls which were rolled up onto 2 wooden cylinders sort of like a shade) of the prophet Isaiah. Jesus unrolled it and found the portion we know as Isaiah chapter 61 and he read it. He then sat down (the position of a teacher in that culture) and Jesus announced that the scripture was fulfilled in Him. Jesus is the one who brings restoration.

The image of an oak tree in the Bible represents stability, strength, and permanence. Another scripture dealing with this image is Jeremiah 17:7-8. The picture of brokenness in Isaiah 61 verse 3 uses the images recognizable during the time of Jesus. People in mourning would put ashes on their heads and wear rough clothes made of sackcloth. People who were joyful would put on fragrant oil and dress with festive clothes. Verse 3 paints a picture of complete restoration. The images in verse 4 all deal with restoration and renewal. It is important to recognize that the renewal and restoration will be done by those who themselves have experienced renewal and restoration. This is a powerful image of the church of Jesus Christ. It is an image of restored people gathered together with the purpose of bringing restoration to a broken world.

Devotional Ideas

1. Read over these verse numerous times in the next week - challenge yourself to commit them to memory.
2. Seek to be an instrument of restoration in the life of someone in your circle this week.

Closing Thoughts

What greater purpose could there be for our lives than to be instruments of restoration? I have done many things in my life but nothing compares with seeing broken lives restored.

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