
Friday, December 29, 2017

Growing Through the Seasons of Life: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; 14

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A new year is dawning. What will the new year bring? What will we leave behind in the 2017? What joys or sorrows await us in 2018? What will happen with those we love? What will happen in our world? What new adventures await us? What new challenges will confront us? Some look forward to the new year. Others wish time and change would slow down or perhaps stand still. One thing is certain - time moves ever onward and the season of life bring change.
As we look ahead it becomes apparent that there are many things in life we have no control over. We may love the summer but the seasons change and winter comes. The writer of Ecclesiastes in chapter 3 verses 1-8 writes perhaps the most powerful poem about time ever written. As we read it we are drawn into the rhythms of life. We can identify with the changes and seasons of life. As you study these verses think back over your life and how these verses describe your life. As you look forward take these principles into account. Always remember verse 1.

Some Background Information

The book of Ecclesiastes is one of the wisdom books of the Bible. Most scholars believe it was written by King Solomon. It consists of his observations of life. He was the richest mas of his time. He also was a highly educated man. He had spent his life in seeking what would satisfy and fulfill him. Despite his riches and power he did not find anything that truly satisfied him. He also realized that the seasons of life and time itself was outside of his control. He saw life as a rat race and an unending search for satisfaction. He saw that he did not have control over his birth or his death. At times in the book he concludes that the pursuit of things is meaningless. It is however in his search that he comes to realized that God is supreme and that the duty of man is to fear God. To fear God means to have reverence for God. To fear God is to surrender and humble oneself before God's power.
The book of Ecclesiastes is best understood from the point of view of God's sovereignty. God's sovereignty teaches us that it is God who is in control and not us. We learn that time itself is in God's control and he takes us through the seasons of life both good and bad. This understanding of God leads us to humble ourselves before God and surrender our lives to Him.

Devotional Ideas

1. Think about what season of life you are in now. What part of verse 1-8 do you most identify with.
2. Write out a prayer to God for the year 2018 asking His help through whatever transitions you anticipate as well as those you do not. Commit yourself to God for this coming year.

Final Thoughts

Now all has been heard. Here is the conclusion of the matter. Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13 




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