
Friday, November 24, 2017

The Gift of the Father: Isaiah 63:16-64:8

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Amazingly the Bible repeatedly refers to God as a Father. No other religion has ever addressed its God with the title father. In the Old Testament God is referred to as father only a few times. In the New Testament Jesus makes clear that we are to pray to God as our Father (Matthew 6:9). The intimate and caring nature of God our father is developed in great detail in the New Testament in such parables as the prodigal son (Luke 15) and others. God's character is one of concern and care for the people He has created. The word Father reminds us of our relationship to God. This is an important understanding of God that is the key to our calling out to God for mercy in times of distress and brokenness.

Some Background Information

Isaiah was a prophet. A prophet is one who receives a message from God and speaks to God's people on behalf of God. These verses however are a prayer of Isaiah's to God. This particular prayer is categorized as a lament. A lament is a prayer of complaint to God during a time of brokenness and confusion. Isaiah has been called by God and has been doing what God asked him yet has seen people ignoring him, attacking him, and ridiculing him. In addition no one has been listening and living God's way. Instead it seems as if the people are getting worse all the time following after other God's and living immoral lives. Isaiah sees the bondage of sin that the people are in. Isaiah is frustrated and cries out to God.

After reciting what the problems are Isaiah asks God to intervene - to rip open heaven and come down and set things right. It is essentially a call for God to send judgment and make things right again. Isaiah is thinking about how God came down on Mount Sinai in power and fire (Exodus 19). God did respond to Isaiah's prayer in the fullness of time (Galatians 4:4). God did come down by sending His son God in the flesh Jesus the Christ. He did not come in fire (judgment) but rather in humility and service to offer himself as a sin offering so that God's wayward people could be saved. Jesus is in a real sense the Father's gift to all who turn to him in faith and that not of ourselves it (faith) is a gift of God. At the end of these verses Isaiah shifts his description of God from Father to a Potter (one who molds clay). What a wonderful image - a loving Father who will mold his children into what He created them to be.

Devotional Ideas

1. Write out a prayer of lament to God related to whatever situation you find yourself in - be honest with God.
2. In these 4 weeks before Christmas (Advent season) seek to give the gift of the Father - Jesus - to as many people as you can

Final Thoughts

What a wonderful reminder the Christmas season is that all of us are God's children and that he offers to us the gift of salvation and new life through His son Jesus. Receive that gift and give that gift.


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