
Friday, October 6, 2017

Responding to Disaster

Responding to Disaster: Jesus Call to Us

Image result for puerto rico hurricane maria


Are we living in the end times? Are all these Super storms, earthquakes, mass shootings signs that the end of our age is near? What is our response to disaster? Many people have different opinions on these questions. The one place to find the truth is in God's word - the Bible. Actually tragedy has been part of the human experience since Adam and Eve turned away from God. Each generation feels as if the tragedies it experiences are the worst. There are two scriptures which deal with the issue of tragedy both natural and man made. The first is Luke 13:1-5. Jesus spoke about a terroristic type of attack that actually killed people as they were worship God in the Jewish temple. Jesus also mentions a tower in Jerusalem that fell and crushed 18 people to death. Next in John chapter 9 verses 1-7 Jesus answers his disciples question when they wanted to know if a man had been born blind because either he or his parents were sinners.

God wants us to know why things happen and to know how to respond. Luke chapter 13:1-5 is actually part of a larger section of scripture. To understand the full context it is best to read chapter 12 and chapter 13:1-9. These verses along with the passage in John chapter 9 help us answer the questions posed at the beginning of this post.

Some Background Information

Luke 13:1-5 divides into two basic issues. First God's judgment and second our response of repentance. God's judgments are intended to wake us up and cause us to repent (turn) and start serving God. The fact that God will judge the nations is set forth in many scriptures. Some to look at are Isaiah chapters 13-24; Daniel chapter 2; Jeremiah 12:17 and of course Luke chapter 12. God's judgments are actually opportunities for us to turn back to God. The issue of repentance is the response Jesus says we should have in Luke 13:3 and 13:5. When we hear of hurricanes or other disasters we should remind ourselves that material things are temporary and that what matters in life is to be right with God. Our repose should not be to judge those who have been effected by the disaster but rather to judge ourselves and repent if that is needed.

John chapter 9 verses 1-7 gives us an understanding of how we are to respond to those who are suffering the effects of tragedy. Rather than wonder whether they sinned our response should be compassion and mercy. Some scriptures on God's call to us to be people of mercy are Micah 6:8, Matthew 5:7 and Luke 6:36.  In summary then our response to tragedy should be compassion directed towards those effected and examination of our own hearts followed by repentance if needed.

Some Questions to Use for Further Discussion in a Point of Light Group

1. What disasters or tragedies have you personally experienced?
2. What was the disciples attitude in John chapter 9 verse 2? What does that indicate about their hearts?
3. What was Jesus response to the man born blind? (John 9 verses 3-7)
4. What disasters did Jesus discuss in Luke 13:1-5?
5. What did Jesus mean in Luke 13 verses 2 and 4? Why do you think he said this?
6. Have you examined your life in response to all the recent disasters?
7. What do you need to change in your life to be right with God?

Final Thoughts

Let us be people who have hearts of compassion for anyone effected by a disaster and let us continually examine our hearts and live a life of repentance.

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