
Saturday, October 21, 2017

Go Work Today: A Story of Two Sons

Go Work Today: Matthew 21:28-32

Image result for harvest timeIntroduction

Jesus loved to tell stories (parables). We all love to hear stories. When Jesus told stories he did so that we could find ourselves in the story. It was a great way to get behind our defenses and get us to look at ourselves. The story of the 2 sons is simple yet profound. When Jesus asked the question, "Who did the will of the Father?" everyone got the right answer. Jesus' point is are we DOING the will of God. The will of God is to bring in the harvest of souls before it is too late. The story has the elements of command: Go Work; the element of urgency: Today and the element of purpose: working in the harvest. The response of the 2 sons is interesting. The first says no but changes his mind and goes. The second says yes but never goes. How often do each of us know what God's will is but do not do it. Which son are you?

Some Background Information

The idea of the harvest is used throughout the Bible. An interesting study would be to read the different stories about the harvest found in the book of Matthew. It was an analogy that Jesus used often because he was speaking to people who were farmers and understood the importance of everyone working in the harvest. Tax collectors were considered traitors to their people. They were Jews who worked for the Roman government who was oppressing the Jewish people. They collected taxes from their own people on behalf of Rome. Many were corrupt and cheated their own people. For them to start following Jesus was causing the religious people to question Jesus and His authority. An incident of a tax collector named Zaccheus changing his life is found in Like 19:1-10. Note what he DOES. In the story of the 2 sons the Father represents God and the sons represent us. It is important to understand that Jesus chose the analogy of a relationship of love and care to describe our relationship with God. A father to his children. The final harvest of people's souls will come when Jesus returns - see Revelation 14:15. Repentance in the Bible always means to take action. In Luke chapter 3 verse 12 the people who are repenting ask John the Baptist what should we do? 

Devotional Ideas

1. Read the stories in Matthew about the harvest
2. Decide this week to begin looking for opportunities to reach lost people with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Final Thoughts

What a great honor and privileged and yes responsibility we have to be God's instruments in bringing in the harvest of people's souls.

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