
Saturday, September 2, 2017

Building Strong Children Together: Ephesians 6:1-4

Building Strong Children Together: Ephesians 6:1-4

Image result for ephesians 6:4


The book of Ephesians is a book of theology (meaning a study of God and what He is like). In the book of Ephesians we learn about God's character and His purpose in the world. We discover our place in God's plan and how we can enter into the life God created us for. Yet right along side these lofty ideas is clear direction on how to raise children. Theology is intimately connected with how we treat each other and especially how we treat the weakest and most dependent among us. If we truly know God we will treat others with love. The Bible assumes that children have great value and are an equal part of the family of God. Paul reminds parents of their authority and responsibility to raise their children to know and love God. One writer stated, that "we live in a world where parental power can be abused even including sexual abuse of children and on the other hand attempts to exercise moral discipline or correction of a child can frequently be denounced in the name of a child's freedom or autonomy. How wonderful it is that God provides us guidance in His word.

Some Background Information

At the time these verses were written they were radical. In Roman society the father of a family had absolute power over his children. He could have them beaten and even killed if he so decided. He could sell them into slavery to raise money. Weak or deformed children were often left out in fields to die. In that context God makes clear that parents have a God given responsibility to raise and nurture and train their children. These verses are no less radical in our times as courts and governments redefine marriage and the family unit. These verses quote from one of the ten commandments found in Exodus chapter 20 verse 12 and Deuteronomy chapter 5 verse 16.

Devotional Ideas

1. If you have children in your home start a weekly family devotional time. Read a Bible portion, discuss it and then talk about what each one needs prayer for and have each memeber of the family pray for one another.
2. If you do not have children at your home pray and look for one child who you can impact in small ways. Perhaps a child at church or in your neighborhood. Look for ways to encourage that child and pray for them daily.

Final Thoughts

True change in our society will only come about as we begin to do what we can to build strong children together. Lets do our best.

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