
Saturday, July 1, 2017

Walking with Jesus to the Cross: Mark 10:32-45

Image result for mark 10:33-34 


As we read these verses the contrast between Jesus and the disciples is incredible. The follower's mentality and focus is entirely different than Jesus'. The way the followers view themselves and life is as different as night and day from the way Jesus views the same things. Jesus is focused on self sacrifice and going to the cross. The followers are focused on self advancement going to a throne. The key to spiritual growth and spiritual power is becoming transformed from the way we are to the way Jesus is. It is in these key areas of our lives where we see differences between how Jesus thinks and acts and how we think and act that God will work in our lives. Robert Mulholland writes as follows:

    Our cross is the point of our unlikeness to the image of Christ, where we must die to self in order to be 
    raised by God into wholeness of life in the image of Christ right there at that point. (Invitation to a

 As you read these verses note the difference between Jesus and his followers in their outlook. Jesus willingly and purposely gave his life for others. The followers seek to avoid the cross and live for themselves.

Some Background Information

Jerusalem was the religious and military capital of the region. This is were those who opposed Jesus and had threatened Him were located. This was were the headquarters of the Roman government for that region were. To march right into Jerusalem was to walk into danger and certain death. It was the road to the Cross. The disciples had argued among themselves many times as to who was the greatest or most important follower of Jesus (Luke 22:24 is one example). Each time this would happen Jesus would explain to them the basic spiritual principle of His kingdom - greatness is defined by self sacrificial service. Jesus demonstrated this principle in everyday life. In John chapter 13 verses 1-20 Jesus washes His disciples feet after they would not do so to each other. Jesus' death on the cross is the ultimate example of self sacrifice for others.  Paul reminds us in Ephesians 5:2 to walk in self sacrificial love each day in little and big ways.

Some Devotional Ideas

1. Where do you see God working in your life? What points of difference between you and Jesus in your attitudes and actions is he bringing to the surface? Reflect on this and pray to be conformed to the image of Jesus. Walk to the cross with Jesus.

2. Look for opportunities to serve others this week - walk in the love.

Final Thoughts

Let us walk with Jesus to the Cross. It is there we will find everything we have been seeking on other roads.

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