
Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Overcomers Blessing: James 1:12-18

Image result for james 1:12 


The book of James is a very practical book. It was written by the brother of Jesus who was very concerned how people lived in their day to day life. He like Jesus grew up in a culture filled with religious people. Often however there was no connection between people's religion and everyday life. Naturally everyone agrees that it is good to resist temptation. Yet when you are in the midst of the temptation it is not easy to resist the temptation. What practical advice could James give to those who faced the temptation to turn away from God due to persecution? James focuses them and us on the prize that is ahead of us. The student who wants to quit when the studying becomes hard and boring thinks of the goal of graduation and endures. I am sure you can think of many examples of this basic life principle. In 1 Corinthians chapter 9 verse 25 Paul writes about athletes going into training to obtain the crown (the Greeks gave the winner of a race a crown, sort of like we give athletes a gold medal today). Paul states that we also will receive a crown and should therefore be like athletes and focus on the goal. Hebrews chapter 11 is filled with examples of people who endured terrible trials and temptations yet they endured and obtained the crown.

Some Background Information

The word that is translated as trials in verse 2 and 12 is the same exact word that is translated temptation in verses 13-14. From this we can see that these verses are a continuation of the first section dealing with trials. In verses 14-15 James gives a great description of how sin is born and how sin leads to death. Understanding how this works helps us in a practical way to break the cycle of temptation - sin - death. A vivid example of how temptation works is also found in Proverbs chapter 7 verses 6-23. Asking God for help is a key component of breaking out of the sin cycle and becoming an overcomer. James description of God's willingness to help is a great encouragement to all of us who face temptation.

Devotional Ideas

1. Identify a patterns of sin in your life and specifically ask God for help in those areas. He will help.

2. Explain to someone verses 13-15

Final Thoughts

The crown of life will be glorious. It will make everything we have suffered more than worthwhile. Let us keep our focus on that crown and never give up!

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