
Saturday, July 22, 2017

James 1:1-11: The Purpose of Testing

Image result for James 1:2


Joy and trials do not seem to go together. In fact much of what the Bible has to say makes no sense to us. The reason for this is that God looks at things from an entirely different perspective or point of view than we do. We focus on the present God focuses on the eternal. We focus on our comfort God focuses on our character. Once we begin to align our way of thinking with God's way of thinking then God's word make perfect sense. In these verses James sets forth the reason why trials of many kinds are actually a benefit to us. The basic rational is as follows: Trials develop patience and patience builds mature character leading to stability in life and faith. Similar ideas are found in Romans 5:2-5 and 1 Peter 1:6-7. It is clear throughout the Bible that God is always at work building and refining the character of those who follow him. One could pick any Bible character and see this dynamic at work. The goal therefore is to have the mind of Christ. Once we do we will count it joy when we face trials of many kinds.

Some Background Information

James was the brother of Jesus who initially did not believe that his older brother was the savior. Yet after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus James became a believer and then became the most influential leader in the early church. How James came to believe is not recorded in scripture perhaps it happened when Jesus appeared to him after the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:7-8). James stayed in Jerusalem and was the leader of the church there. This book is written to all of the Christians who had been scattered all over the world. Suffering and trials are one of the main themes of the entire book of James. He returns to this topic several times throughout the book. James also under the influence of the Holy Spirit believed it was a topic all of the new believers needed to understand. Wisdom is also a second prominent theme in the book of James. It is easy to see the connection between suffering, trials and wisdom. 

Devotional Ideas

1. Study the life of Joseph in Genesis chapters 37-46. Note how God uses suffering in his life and Joseph's response each time. 
2. Memorize James 1:2-4

Final Thoughts

The goal of life is not to avoid trials but to allow them to mold us into the mature people God intends us to be. May you be blessed and experience joy as you surrender to God's working in your life.   

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