
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Be Compelled by Love: 2 Corinthians 5:14-20

 Image result for Christ's love compels us



The book of 2 Corinthians was written by the Apostle Paul to a church in the Greek city of Corinth. There are ruins of the city of Corinth that you can visit today. The church was filled with very spiritually gifted people. Unfortunately they had drifted away from the purpose God had for their lives. Instead of focusing on building God's kingdom and spreading the message of Jesus they were distracted by arguments between each other and by sinful behavior. Paul writes the two letters to the Corinthians to help them resolve the issues that are distracting them and to refocus them on reaching others. These verses above are very well known particularly verse 17 of chapter 5. Followers of Jesus love to remember how Jesus changed them from what they used to be into a new creation. It is however easy to forget that what God did in us he wants to do in those around us.

Paul discusses his motivation for devoting his life to spreading the message of new life in Jesus. Paul's only motivation was the love of Christ. Love is the most powerful of all motivators. Love leads to sacrifice of ourselves for the good of others. John 15:13 tells us that there is no greater love than someone laying down their life for others. The Bible is full of examples of people whose lives were changed by Jesus and this experience of God's love compelled them to devote their lives to letting others know the same love of Jesus. Some examples are the Apostle Paul (Acts 9); the woman at the well (John 4) and the Gaderene demoniac (Mark 5). Truly understanding God's love for us will compel us to reach others.

Some Background Information

The word that is translated compels in verse 14 can literally be translated as a pressure which confines, restricts and controls. The image is of a force of energy from within that motivates us. Truly having God's love in our hearts will compel us to do everything we can to share that love with those around us. A key concept in the Bible is the concept of stewardship. A steward is someone who has been given something and who will be held accountable for what they do with what they have been given. Followers of Jesus have been given the message of reconciliation and the ministry of reconciliation (connecting people to God). We who are followers of Jesus have been entrusted with the responsibility of telling others the good news of salvation through Jesus. We have been entrusted with the task of building God's kingdom. We act on behalf of Jesus as His representatives. Paul calls us ambassadors.

Some Devotional Ideas

1. Go over your friends list or if you have not made one write down the names of 5 people you know who do not know Jesus. Begin to pray for them daily. Develop a strategy for telling them the message. Make connecting people to Jesus a priority in your life. 

2. Meditate on God's love for you. Use Romans chapter 8: 38-39

Final Prayer

Lord Jesus fill me with your love and let it overflow to others - Amen.

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