
Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Power of the Cross: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

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The Power of the Cross. The Greek word for power is dunamis from which we get our word dynamite. The Dynamite of God sounds like what we need! The cross in Bible times was a place of death. It was an instrument of torture. Yet Paul insists that the message of the cross is the power of God. The power to forgive, the power to save, the power to transform, and the power restore. Yet throughout history man attempts to turn the message of the Cross into something it is not. People say Jesus was a good teacher and that we should imitate Him and put his teachings into practice. Jesus did teach but He came to die on a cross. Without the cross there is no power. What we need is power. Following Jesus' teachings without applying the message of the Cross is powerless. Paul in Romans 1:16 declares that he is not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God. The gospel is summed up simply in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sin. To forgive the guilt of sins committed and to transform our sin nature into a Christlike nature capable of following Jesus in everything. We need the cross applied to our lives daily. People who pass us by each and every day need the cross applied to their lives. There is no greater call than to tell the message of the cross for in the message of the cross we will find the power of God.

Some Background Information

The church at Corinth was in present day Greece. Paul spent considerable time in Corinth and developed a strong church there (read Acts chapter 18 for Paul's time there). Paul wrote two of his longest letters to the disciples at Corinth. The first letter (1 Corinthians) was written to correct certain wrong practices that had developed. There were divisions in the church, sexual immorality, a wrong understanding of spiritual gifts among other issues. Apparently the church was also being influenced by Greek ideas of wisdom and philosophy. Paul clearly brings them back to the message of the cross. The message of the cross does not need to be added to with any type of wisdom or deeper knowledge. The message of the cross which is mystery in itself is all that is needed. This is an excellent book for today in which the ideas of Humanism are very strong. Self sufficiency is the philosophy of our time and this was the philosophy the Corinthian church was starting to follow. 1 Corinthians is a book for our time.

Devotional Ideas

1. Read through the entire book of 1 Corinthians this week to get an idea of what Paul's concerns were. Imagine yourself receiving this letter and reading it for the first time.

2. As an exercise in self examination. Read 1 Corinthians chapter 13 verses 4-8 and substitute your name for the word love as you read it.

Final Thought

The message of the cross: Know it; Apply it; Tell it.


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