
Saturday, June 3, 2017

Rest in God's Secret Place: Psalm 31

 Image result for stress scale


We are daily faced with stress both major and minor. From the stress of a traffic jam to the loss of a job. From the stress of a flat tire to the death of a loved one. The question is not whether you will have stress in your life but how much and how it is effecting you. Stress is cumulative. It adds up until the proverbial straw that breaks the camels back. There is a famous chart assigning point to various life situations that cause stress. Here is a copy of one such chart:
Image result for stress scale
Once you reach 300 points you are at serious risk for a mental or physical or emotional breakdown. What is your stress number?  Psalm 31 arises out of an extremely stressful time in King David's life. The specific situation is not mentioned but by carefully reading the text we can see what he is feeling and experiencing. Read through the text and see what number David would have on the above scale. My guess after adding up the numbers is that David was at about 424. In other words overwhelmed. Where would you place yourself on this scale?

Some Background Information

David knew where to go when faced with overwhelming situations far beyond his ability to cope. David ran to God. David knew that God has a secret place, a refuge, in the midst of the stress where he would find peace. Notice the words David uses to describe God. Words like refuge, rock, strong fortress and dwelling. These words convey a mental picture of an impenetrable fortress where one can take refuge from the stresses of life. Verses 14-18 contain a beautiful prayer of faith in God in the midst of overwhelming stress. A key word in this Psalm is the word TRUST! I love verse 14 which begins his prayer with "But I trust in you O Lord." As if to say yes all this is happening and yes it looks overwhelming But I chose to trust in the Lord. David enters God's secret place through the door of trust. Once inside God's refuge David leaves all of the stressful situations to God and he finds the peace that passes all understanding guarding his heart and mind. (Philippians 4:6-7).

Some Devotional Ideas

1. Look up and read other scriptures that speak of God's peace.
2. Read Psalm 91
3. Pray Psalm 31:14-18 for your self.
4. Monitor your stress level and make the changes that are within your power.

Final Thoughts

How wonderful to live in God's secret place. Make that your goal this week. It is my goal.

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