
Saturday, June 17, 2017

Psalm 1: Chose the Path of Blessing

 Image result for psalm 1


The imagery in Psalm one is both beautiful and profound. The image of a tree planted by streams of water bring to mind and heart feeling of peace, contentment, provision and health among others. The image of chaff brings to mind and heart feelings of dryness, brokenness, uselessness and lack. These two images are opposites in every way. The tree produces fruit. The chaff does not. The tree endures and lasts through the windy stormy times. The chaff get blown away. The tree prospers. The chaff does not. The writer of this Psalm is a master of using a few words to create images in our minds that convey a thousand words and ideas. The tree represents one kind of person and the chaff another kind of person. We are drawn into the Psalm as we seek to find out what make the difference between the two. We wonder which of the two are we?  As we read further and absorb the teaching of this Psalm we learn that what differentiates the two types of people is God's word. The people represented by the tree are those who read, obey and apply God's word to their lives. The chaff are those who do not obey and apply Gods word to their lives. The Psalm has a happy and a sad ending. A sad ending for people who do not obey and apply God's word. These people will not stand on the day of judgment. They will be blown away. Those who obey and apply God's word will be 'watched over' by the Lord. This is  a phrase used in the Bible to indicate care, love and protection. 

Some Background Information

Psalm one is known as a wisdom Psalm. It is a Psalm designed to teach us how to live our lives. It is similar to the book of Proverbs (see Proverbs 2:12). A familiar concept in Proverbs as in Psalm 1 is that there are only 2 paths or ways that one can chose from in life. The first way is a life of blessing which is the path of obedience and fellowship with God. This is the path of the wise. The second path is the path of a fool. This path is the path that leads to brokenness and ultimate destruction. It is the path of disobedience to God's word. A very similar image of a tree is found in Jeremiah chapter 17 verses 5-8. Chaff is the outer cover of grain. It is the husks and fragments like straw that are of no substance and are just blown away by the wind leaving behind the grain. The word 'therefore' in verse 5 points to the conclusion of each person's life. There is a day of judgment. On that day our true substance will be revealed. That is the day when the consequences of walking on the wrong path will be felt.

Devotional Ideas

A key word in this Psalm is meditate. An excellent devotional practice is to meditate on God's word. You do not have to sit on the floor with you legs crossed. Rather read a portion of God's word several times. As you read notice different things that God brings to your attention. Think deeply about what you have read. Ask yourself questions like; 'How does this apply to me? How can I apply this in my life? Throughout your day bring the scripture back to your mind and think about it as you go through your day. Perhaps you could meditate on Psalm One this week. Remember what is important is the deepth of your thought not the number of verses you read.

Final Thoughts

How wonderful to be a tree planted by streams of cool fresh water in the midst of a dry and weary land. May that tree represent your life.

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