
Monday, March 24, 2025

An Encounter with Jesus - Isaiah 6:1-8 and Revelation 4:1-11

 Study Guide for Week of March 23, 2025

This Week's Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8 and Revelation 4:1-11

Crossroads Community Group Guide

A. Welcome: Welcome everyone, especially new people, and read aloud the purpose of your group.

B. Purpose: Our purpose is to spread the Kingdom of God. We do this by multiplying groups of people who care for each as God's family. We begin by inviting new people to our group and building them to be followers of Jesus. Each person here has the potential to be empowered to start and be the leader of a new group and spread God's kingdom.

C. Worship Time (Optional): Spend a few minutes singing a worship song. Here is one you may want to use: I I Give You My Heart (or pick your own YouTube video that shows the lyrics.)

D. Video Message                                                                  
E. Upcoming Events: Crossroads Website        

F. Review:
  1. How did you do with what you want to apply from last week?
  2. Who did you invite to the group for this week?
G. Opening Question (an icebreaker - a simple question to introduce the main theme):
  • How would you respond if you saw Jesus seated on His heavenly throne? What emotions would you have?
H. Background Information for this study: 
Both of these scriptures deal with encounters with Jesus as the risen King on His throne. Both Isaiah and John had an encounter with Jesus. Notice their responses in terms of how they see themselves and how they respond to Jesus call. Apply it to the lives of the members of the group.

First Section: Isaiah 6:1-4 and Revelation 4:1-11. A vision of Jesus and His Holiness and power seated on the throne.

Second Section: Isaiah 6:5-7. Seeing your own sinfulness and God's holiness.

Third Section: Isaiah 6:8. The call to Go and be Jesus' messenger

In this study be sure to make a practical application to each section. Make application to your life including what you will do to tell other people the message.

J. Word: Read the scriptures above by section. Read it in smaller portions aloud together several times. (The goal is for everyone to understand the Bible story or verses by retelling them in their own words; keep at it until everyone knows the story or verses.)

1. What key (important) words do you see in these verses?
2. Tell in your own words what happens in these verses.
3. What are the details?
4. What jumps out at you and catches your attention?
5. What details can you add to what others in the group have said?

K. Discuss the following general questions together. (The goal is to use these general questions to guide a discussion. The leader should not speak for more than 30% of the time; let the group discover what God is saying to them.)

1. What catches your attention in these verses?
2. What new thing did you discover in the story or verses that you did not know before?
3. What did you learn about God (Father, Jesus or Holy Spirit) from the story?
4. What do you learn about people from the story?
5. What important lessons for us do you see in this story?
L. Commitment - Obedience - Application
(This is the key - have everyone answer this question.
  1. What specifically will you commit to apply in your life from this study? 
M. Prayer Time:  Break up into smaller groups of 3-4 - groups of the same sex           
  1. Pray for your group to multiply.
  2. Ask each other how you are doing spiritually.
  3. Pray for the needs of the members of your group

Monday, March 17, 2025

Get the Most Value for Your Money - Luke 16:1-15

Study Guide for Week of March 16, 2025

This Week's Scripture: Luke 16:1-15

Crossroads Community Group Guide

A. Welcome: Welcome everyone, especially new people, and read aloud the purpose of your group.

B. Purpose: Our purpose is to spread the Kingdom of God. We do this by multiplying groups of people who care for each as God's family. We begin by inviting new people to our group and building them to be followers of Jesus. Each person here has the potential to be empowered to start and be the leader of a new group and spread God's kingdom.

C. Worship Time (Optional): Spend a few minutes singing a worship song. Here is one you may want to use: I I Give You My Heart (or pick your own YouTube video that shows the lyrics.)

D. Video Message                                                                  
E. Upcoming Events: Crossroads Website        

F. Review:
  1. How did you do with what you want to apply from last week?
  2. Who did you invite to the group for this week?
G. Opening Question (an icebreaker - a simple question to introduce the main theme):
  • Why is how we use and spend money and resources important to God?
H. Background Information for this study: 
Jesus loved to tell parables because they taught powerful principles we can apply to life. Here the topic is money and resources which is a topic that Jesus spoke about often. jesus uses both a parable and some basic principles to make His points.

First Section: Luke 16:1-9. The parable Jesus uses to teach His disciples. What are the key points jesus makes?

Second Section: Luke 16:10-12. The importance of being trustworthy with what God gives you.

Third Section: Luke 16:13-15. The heart issue and the power that money has to trap us.

In this study be sure to make a practical application to each section. Make application to your life including what you will do to tell other people the message.

J. Word: Read the scriptures above by section. Read it in smaller portions aloud together several times. (The goal is for everyone to understand the Bible story or verses by retelling them in their own words; keep at it until everyone knows the story or verses.)

1. What key (important) words do you see in these verses?
2. Tell in your own words what happens in these verses.
3. What are the details?
4. What jumps out at you and catches your attention?
5. What details can you add to what others in the group have said?

K. Discuss the following general questions together. (The goal is to use these general questions to guide a discussion. The leader should not speak for more than 30% of the time; let the group discover what God is saying to them.)

1. What catches your attention in these verses?
2. What new thing did you discover in the story or verses that you did not know before?
3. What did you learn about God (Father, Jesus or Holy Spirit) from the story?
4. What do you learn about people from the story?
5. What important lessons for us do you see in this story?
L. Commitment - Obedience - Application
(This is the key - have everyone answer this question.
  1. What specifically will you commit to apply in your life from this study? 
M. Prayer Time:  Break up into smaller groups of 3-4 - groups of the same sex           
  1. Pray for your group to multiply.
  2. Ask each other how you are doing spiritually.
  3. Pray for the needs of the members of your group

Monday, March 10, 2025

The Prayer God Always Answers - Psalm 51


Study Guide for Week of March 9, 2025

This Week's Scripture: Psalm 51

Crossroads Community Group Guide

A. Welcome: Welcome everyone, especially new people, and read aloud the purpose of your group.

B. Purpose: Our purpose is to spread the Kingdom of God. We do this by multiplying groups of people who care for each as God's family. We begin by inviting new people to our group and building them to be followers of Jesus. Each person here has the potential to be empowered to start and be the leader of a new group and spread God's kingdom.

C. Worship Time (Optional): Spend a few minutes singing a worship song. Here is one you may want to use: I I Give You My Heart (or pick your own YouTube video that shows the lyrics.)

D. Video Message                                                                  
E. Upcoming Events: Crossroads Website        

F. Review:
  1. How did you do with what you want to apply from last week?
  2. Who did you invite to the group for this week?
G. Opening Question (an icebreaker - a simple question to introduce the main theme):
  • Why is it so hard for people to be honest about themselves and admit when they have done wrong?
H. Background Information for this study: 
This is a psalm of King David. The background for this psalm is that David had committed adultry with Bathsheeba the wife of Uriah. David then killed Uriah to cover over his adultry and David then married Bathsheeba. God has sent the prophet Nathan to King David to confront David with his sin. This is David's prayer of confession. You can red this background in 2 Samuel chapters 11 and 12. 

First Section: Psalm 51:1-2. David turns to God because of God's character of love and compassion.

Second Section: Psalm 51:3-9. David's confession of his sin and sinful heart condition.

Third Section: Psalm 51:10-19. David prays for a new heart the root of his problem with sin.

In this study be sure to make a practical application to each section. Make application to your life including what you will do to tell other people the message.

J. Word: Read the scriptures above by section. Read it in smaller portions aloud together several times. (The goal is for everyone to understand the Bible story or verses by retelling them in their own words; keep at it until everyone knows the story or verses.)

1. What key (important) words do you see in these verses?
2. Tell in your own words what happens in these verses.
3. What are the details?
4. What jumps out at you and catches your attention?
5. What details can you add to what others in the group have said?

K. Discuss the following general questions together. (The goal is to use these general questions to guide a discussion. The leader should not speak for more than 30% of the time; let the group discover what God is saying to them.)

1. What catches your attention in these verses?
2. What new thing did you discover in the story or verses that you did not know before?
3. What did you learn about God (Father, Jesus or Holy Spirit) from the story?
4. What do you learn about people from the story?
5. What important lessons for us do you see in this story?
L. Commitment - Obedience - Application
(This is the key - have everyone answer this question.
  1. What specifically will you commit to apply in your life from this study? 
M. Prayer Time:  Break up into smaller groups of 3-4 - groups of the same sex           
  1. Pray for your group to multiply.
  2. Ask each other how you are doing spiritually.
  3. Pray for the needs of the members of your group

Monday, March 3, 2025

Indifference: The Attitude God Hates - Luke 10:25-37

Study Guide for Week of March 2, 2025

This Week's Scripture: Luke 10:25-37

Crossroads Community Group Guide

A. Welcome: Welcome everyone, especially new people, and read aloud the purpose of your group.

B. Purpose: Our purpose is to spread the Kingdom of God. We do this by multiplying groups of people who care for each as God's family. We begin by inviting new people to our group and building them to be followers of Jesus. Each person here has the potential to be empowered to start and be the leader of a new group and spread God's kingdom.

C. Worship Time (Optional): Spend a few minutes singing a worship song. Here is one you may want to use: I I Give You My Heart (or pick your own YouTube video that shows the lyrics.)

D. Video Message                                                                  
E. Upcoming Events: Crossroads Website        

F. Review:
  1. How did you do with what you want to apply from last week?
  2. Who did you invite to the group for this week?
G. Opening Question (an icebreaker - a simple question to introduce the main theme):
  • What does it mean to love someone?
H. Background Information for this study: 
Jesus is asked a question from a Jewish expert in the law (the Old Testament). His question is a good one but his motive was not a good one. Jesus asks him what it says in the law (old testament). He answers correctly and then the man asks Jesus the question, "who is my neighbor? In other words who should I love. In response Jesus tells the parable (story made up to make a point) of the good samaritan. The priest would be the Jewish priest in the temple and the Levite would be the Jewish official in charge of worship at the temple. A Samaritan is a non Jewish person, actualy a mixed race person. The Jews looked down on them.

Notice especially that Jesus changes the question from who is my neighbor to who am I a neighbor to. 

First Section: Luke 10:25-28. The opening question about love.

Second Section: Luke 10:29-35. The question and the parable (story) Jesus tells in response.

Third Section: Luke 10:36-37. The key point.

In this study be sure to make a practical application to each section. Make application to your life including what you will do to tell other people the message.

J. Word: Read the scriptures above by section. Read it in smaller portions aloud together several times. (The goal is for everyone to understand the Bible story or verses by retelling them in their own words; keep at it until everyone knows the story or verses.)

1. What key (important) words do you see in these verses?
2. Tell in your own words what happens in these verses.
3. What are the details?
4. What jumps out at you and catches your attention?
5. What details can you add to what others in the group have said?

K. Discuss the following general questions together. (The goal is to use these general questions to guide a discussion. The leader should not speak for more than 30% of the time; let the group discover what God is saying to them.)

1. What catches your attention in these verses?
2. What new thing did you discover in the story or verses that you did not know before?
3. What did you learn about God (Father, Jesus or Holy Spirit) from the story?
4. What do you learn about people from the story?
5. What important lessons for us do you see in this story?
L. Commitment - Obedience - Application
(This is the key - have everyone answer this question.
  1. What specifically will you commit to apply in your life from this study? 
M. Prayer Time:  Break up into smaller groups of 3-4 - groups of the same sex           
  1. Pray for your group to multiply.
  2. Ask each other how you are doing spiritually.
  3. Pray for the needs of the members of your group

Monday, February 24, 2025

Living and Thinking as One Body of Believers

Study Guide for Week of February 23, 2025

This Week's Scripture: Romans 12:3 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 

Crossroads Community Group Guide

A. Welcome: Welcome everyone, especially new people, and read aloud the purpose of your group.

B. Purpose: Our purpose is to spread the Kingdom of God. We do this by multiplying groups of people who care for each as God's family. We begin by inviting new people to our group and building them to be followers of Jesus. Each person here has the potential to be empowered to start and be the leader of a new group and spread God's kingdom.

C. Worship Time (Optional): Spend a few minutes singing a worship song. Here is one you may want to use: I I Give You My Heart (or pick your own YouTube video that shows the lyrics.)

D. Video Message                                                                  
E. Upcoming Events: Crossroads Website        

F. Review:
  1. How did you do with what you want to apply from last week?
  2. Who did you invite to the group for this week?
G. Opening Question (an icebreaker - a simple question to introduce the main theme):
  • Why do you think God in the Bible used the image of a body to describe what His church was supposed to be like?
H. Background Information for this study: 
The focus here is on the body of Christ. Jesus is the head and His followers are the body 

First Section: Romans 12:3. Importance of humility.

Second Section: 1 Corinthians 12:12-20. The different parts of the body.

Third Section: 1 Corinthians 12:21-26. Importance of Unity.

In this study be sure to make a practical application to each section. Make application to your life including what you will do to tell other people the message.

J. Word: Read the scriptures above by section. Read it in smaller portions aloud together several times. (The goal is for everyone to understand the Bible story or verses by retelling them in their own words; keep at it until everyone knows the story or verses.)

1. What key (important) words do you see in these verses?
2. Tell in your own words what happens in these verses.
3. What are the details?
4. What jumps out at you and catches your attention?
5. What details can you add to what others in the group have said?

K. Discuss the following general questions together. (The goal is to use these general questions to guide a discussion. The leader should not speak for more than 30% of the time; let the group discover what God is saying to them.)

1. What catches your attention in these verses?
2. What new thing did you discover in the story or verses that you did not know before?
3. What did you learn about God (Father, Jesus or Holy Spirit) from the story?
4. What do you learn about people from the story?
5. What important lessons for us do you see in this story?
L. Commitment - Obedience - Application
(This is the key - have everyone answer this question.
  1. What specifically will you commit to apply in your life from this study? 
M. Prayer Time:  Break up into smaller groups of 3-4 - groups of the same sex           
  1. Pray for your group to multiply.
  2. Ask each other how you are doing spiritually.
  3. Pray for the needs of the members of your group


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Blessings Begin with the Word YES! - Genesis 12:1-5 and Hebrews 11:8-12


Study Guide for Week of February 9, 2025

This Week's Scripture: Genesis 12:1-5 and hebrews 11:8-12

Crossroads Community Group Guide

A. Welcome: Welcome everyone, especially new people, and read aloud the purpose of your group.

B. Purpose: Our purpose is to spread the Kingdom of God. We do this by multiplying groups of people who care for each as God's family. We begin by inviting new people to our group and building them to be followers of Jesus. Each person here has the potential to be empowered to start and be the leader of a new group and spread God's kingdom.

C. Worship Time (Optional): Spend a few minutes singing a worship song. Here is one you may want to use: I I Give You My Heart (or pick your own YouTube video that shows the lyrics.)

D. Video Message                                                                  
E. Upcoming Events: Crossroads Website        

F. Review:
  1. How did you do with what you want to apply from last week?
  2. Who did you invite to the group for this week?
G. Opening Question (an icebreaker - a simple question to introduce the main theme):
  • When was one time you sensed God calling you to do something or to change something in your life or to follow Him in some way?
H. Background Information for this study: 
Abram is known as the father of faith. God calls him to leave where he is and go to where God is going to show him. No details at all. God gives Abram a promise. The promise is that blessings will be his if he obeys the call from God. Abram obeys in faith. He is an example for all of us.

First Section: Genesis 12:1-3. God's call.

Second Section: Genesis 12:4-5. Abram's Response.

Third Section: Hebrews 11:8-12. Importance of Faith.

In this study be sure to make a practical application to each section. Make application to your life including what you will do to tell other people the message.

J. Word: Read the scriptures above by section. Read it in smaller portions aloud together several times. (The goal is for everyone to understand the Bible story or verses by retelling them in their own words; keep at it until everyone knows the story or verses.)

1. What key (important) words do you see in these verses?
2. Tell in your own words what happens in these verses.
3. What are the details?
4. What jumps out at you and catches your attention?
5. What details can you add to what others in the group have said?

K. Discuss the following general questions together. (The goal is to use these general questions to guide a discussion. The leader should not speak for more than 30% of the time; let the group discover what God is saying to them.)

1. What catches your attention in these verses?
2. What new thing did you discover in the story or verses that you did not know before?
3. What did you learn about God (Father, Jesus or Holy Spirit) from the story?
4. What do you learn about people from the story?
5. What important lessons for us do you see in this story?
L. Commitment - Obedience - Application
(This is the key - have everyone answer this question.
  1. What specifically will you commit to apply in your life from this study? 
M. Prayer Time:  Break up into smaller groups of 3-4 - groups of the same sex           
  1. Pray for your group to multiply.
  2. Ask each other how you are doing spiritually.
  3. Pray for the needs of the members of your group