
Thursday, October 4, 2018

3 Keys to a Healthy Relationship - Key Number 1

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Building Strong Marriages Together
3 Keys to a Healthy Relationship
Key Number 1

Key Thought: Commitment is the cornerstone of the foundation upon which a healthy marriage relationship is built.


The three keys are foundations to be maintained not skills to be learned. The three keys are a mindset to have that is not based upon feelings or circumstances. The first key is the cornerstone of the foundation upon which the other 2 keys rest. 

The first key is an unwavering commitment. The marriage commitment is a pledge, a vow an obligation and a guarantee that is not based upon feelings, or circumstances or the other person's actions. It is a covenant. It is a reflection of a person's character. Here is the marriage vow:

      I, ____, take you, ____, to be my lawfully wedded (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

Read it over with your partner and discuss what it means and what the key points of challenge are and will be.

3 Challenges to Your Commitment

1. Unreasonable Expectations prior to Marriage
Most people have unreasonable expectations prior to marriage. They can be as simple as the expectation that one will do all the cooking or that the relationship will be trouble free. When the expectations do not materialize then there is a temptation to break your commitment and look for someone who will meet those expectations Key is to recommit to each other with appropriate expectations.

2. Life Stage Changes
From the birth of children to children growing up and leaving home to the changes that aging brings, both partners are always changing. Some of the changes will be difficult and challenge your commitment. The key here is to recommit to each other based on the new circumstances.

3. Affairs
An affair is anything that replaces the relationship as a priority. This can be as innocent as a hobby done to an extreme or as wrong as an emotional or sexual affair with another person. Affairs seriously challenge our commitment. The key here is to identify and eliminate affairs, go through a healing process and recommit. 

3 Strategies to help You Keep your Commitment

1. Understand the consequences of breaking your commitment. Think of the effect breaking your commitment will have on both of you, your children if any and those around you. Understand the joy of keeping your commitment. Look at your life from the end looking back do you want regrets or satisfaction?

2. Receive your spouse (with all their imperfections) as God's gift for you. God's goal is not to make you happy but rather to mold both you and your spouse to become the people he created you to be. allow god to work on your character.

3. Rely upon God's power and strength to keep your commitment. In his power you can keep your commitment. 

Key Verse: Matthew 19:4-6

This outline is taken from the teaching at the Couples Desert Fellowship on Saturday September 29th at Crossroads Church.

Key number 2 will be the topic of the next Couples Desert Fellowship on Saturday October 27th at 7pm at Crossroads Church. 

Pastor Willie and Pastor Daisy

1 comment:

  1. The governments are facing huge financial commitments if they go down the path of providing more in-house and assisted care. It will add up to be billions of dollars.

    Jerry White
